Friday Devotional – Great Questions
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms. This week we’re looking at a chapter that starts off declaring that everything on earth belongs to the Lord. The chapter ends with praise and glory given

Writing a Better Story
One of my favorite authors is Donald Miller. I recently re-read one of his books called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I learned while editing my life. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years is the story of when Don and 2 other guys turned Blue Like Jazz (an earlier book he wrote and a memoir of sorts) into a screenplay for a movie. What they discovered, however, is that they had to “edit” Don’s life in Blue Like Jazz because it wasn’t interesting enough for a movie as is. Ouch.

Friday Devotional - A Prayer
What a blessing it is to find out people have been praying for us. Right? To know that others have taken time to lift us up to the Lord in prayer. It’s special. It’s just one of the blessings of being a believer.

Friday Devotional – Mindful of Us
Psalm 8 makes one think about their place in the world. How one fits into the expanse of the universe. I know that I wonder about this sometimes.

Friday Devotional - God's Rest
In Hebrews 4:1-7 God reminds us of the place of rest he has created for those who put their faith in Jesus. He also tells us that those who don’t believe will not be permitted to enter into his rest.

Friday Devotional - Forgiveness
Asking God for forgiveness brings true joy. It brings real happiness and real relief from the heaviness that comes with sin. Sin can be…

Friday Devotional - Don't Give Up!
In my devotions yesterday I was reading out of Psalm 2. It talks about the coming Messiah and what God sees. It was written over 2000 years ago and seems even more relevant today than in Bible times.

Friday Devotional - Stop & Pause
In the last month, my family and I have had the opportunity to see so much beauty in this country. We’ve seen fields, hills, valleys, trees, rivers, lakes, mountains, sunsets, and sunrises. I’m thankful to be someone who sees God in all of it. The mornings seem to be my favorite because it’s more of the quiet part of the day for me. The older I get, the earlier I get up simply to enjoy my time alone with God and my cup of coffee.

Friday Devotional - God's Plan Prevails
God orchestrates his will through our normal day activities without us even being aware that he’s working on something.

Friday Devotional – Encouragement
Encouragement in our lives, and the lives of others, can be life changing. In a world that can be difficult to navigate at times, hopefully this will inspire all of us.

Friday Devotional - Thankful Heart - Perry Krosschell
We just finished our Pizza Ranch National Conference this week. Wow, what a blessing. Seeing, fellowshipping, worshiping and learning together was so, so good. It always reminds me of being at a family reunion. And

Friday Devotional - Turning Anxiousness to Excitement by Perry Krossechell
There’s a lot of anxious folks around here at Corp Pizza Ranch this week. People are scrambling to prepare well for the Pizza Ranch…