Friday Devotional - What Is God Unexpectedly Calling You To?
I’m an Enneagram 1, which is “The Perfectionist”. Some characteristic traits are being conscientious & ethical, having a strong sense of right & wrong, always striving to improve things but fear making mistakes and well-organized, orderly and detail ordered. Now you know exactly who I am because this is me to a T 😊

Friday Devotional - The Soil of our Heart
This morning we’re looking at Mark 4:1-21, which is about the parable of the soils. Most often this parable is seen as a salvation passage. In other words, Christians are the result of seeds falling on good soil. BUT, we’re going to look at it from a different perspective today. We’re going to look at it as a daily experience for each of us who claim Christ in our life.

Friday Devotional - Gratitude
This week on pizzaranchserves.com there have been posts on gratitude, and they have really hit me. Ephesians 5:20 talks about having gratitude to God in everything. It’s a key verse in the Book of Ephesians so, it’s not just a good idea. The Lord is instructing us to do this, to make gratitude an intentional habit. Gratitude is an act of obedience.

Friday Devotional - Overflowing Grace
Sometimes God has to put us in the most lowly, vulnerable positions before we are ready to hear and see what he has prepared for us. Last year I experienced that as I battled through a series of struggles with Depression. At one point my negative thoughts overwhelmed me and I imagined that the world would be better off without me in it. Thankfully, I was honest with my husband and he took me to the local Emergency Room where I received compassionate care that placed me with the professionals who would best help me through my lowest point. It was during a hospitalization that I spent hours and hours in God's Word and began to feel Him once again.

Friday Devotional - Adoption, It Changes Everything
I’ve always respected folks who adopt children. The idea of changing the trajectory of a child’s life is admirable. It’s so amazing to me that a child becomes a part of a new family and is given all the rights that come with it.

Friday Devotional - A Difference Maker for the Kingdom
God empowers, strengthens, and uses all those who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior. Most of us would consider ourselves as unworthy or unusable.…

Friday Devotional - Advent Week 4 - Love
Advent is a time of preparation. It helps us prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the true meaning of Christmas. Advent includes the…

Friday Devotional - Advent Week 3 - Joy
Advent is a time of preparation. It helps us prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the true meaning of Christmas. Advent includes the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and points us

Friday Devotional - Advent Week 2 – Peace
Peace Advent is a time of preparation. It helps us prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the true meaning of Christmas. Advent includes the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas,

Friday Devotional - Advent Week 1 – Hope
We’re going to be looking at the four weeks of Advent. Advent is a season of preparation. It’s for us to prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the true meaning of Christmas. We want to be a living example of the hope, peace, joy and love that the birth of Jesus brings. All of the OT passages that point to the Savior bring hope.

Friday Devotional- Reminder of A Thankful Heart
Today we're sharing one of our devotions from last year that is still true today. We pray you find blessings in this message:

Friday Devotional - A Thankful Heart
I’ve heard many people in the course of my life ask me “How do I get closer to God?” or, “How can I get my prayer life better?” In a devotional I read recently, I was reminded of the answer to these questions. I believe that the fastest way to get closer to God, and have a better prayer life, is by having a thankful heart. To be thanking God throughout the day.