Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotions

Friday Devotional- The Promise of Peace

When I was growing up I remember my grandpa being a man of such contentment. He had hurt his back in a farming accident as a young father, and it changed the trajectory of the life that he knew. But to my recollection, he always seemed to be full of joy. His pain never seemed to phase his attitude towards life. He never complained or made a big deal about it. He seemed to be at total peace. I believe it was a peace that can only be explained with his walk with God.

man walking in the woods

Friday Devotional- The Promise of Wisdom and Guidance

When I was young and coming out of college, I was pretty idealistic. I thought I knew all the answers. It didn’t take me long, however, to be humbled by life. I realized pretty quickly that I needed to lean into the promises of God, seeking His wisdom and guidance to navigate this world.

Psalm 91:11

Thursday Thoughts- Interesting Facts About Angels

I still remember when I was a young kid, seeing different pictures of what Angels looked like and descriptions of the different things they did. I didn't have a whole lot of understanding about them. I still don't completely understand them so I looked up some facts about them online.

2 Corinthians 13:7

Tuesday Truth- Honesty

As some of you may know, Pizza Ranch has codes of conduct called The Pizza Ranch Way. These are how we act as we pursue our Vision and Mission. One of these items is to "do the right thing".