Thursday Video - Gaining Perspective
Watch Sam Houston State's Baseball Coach, Matt Deggs, share his story of how he was broken and how God saved him giving him new…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Omaha Flooding
Over the past week the Midwest has been hit with devastating floods from the large amount of rainfall and sudden snow melt. Much of…

Tuesday Truth - Be Bold, Don't Fear
BE BOLD! 2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of…

Monday Mission - Be Thankful
BE THANKFUL! The Lord has blessed us all with so much, He always provides us with what we need (not always what we want). Psalm…

Friday Devotional - The Story of Stephen
We recently looked at the story of Stephen, which is about a man who was asked to fill a need in the early church. The position allowed him to see the needs of many.

Thursday Video - Harlan Pizza Ranch Owner Shares Her Story
Restaurant owner, Jackie, shares her Pizza Ranch story with us.

Wednesday Story of Impact- Andrew's Jamaica Story
Andrew shares his experience of serving in Jamaica last year with Pizza Ranch and the impact it's had on his life.

Tuesday Truth- Proverbs 13:22
Proverbs 13:22- "A good man leaves his inheritance to his children's children."

Monday Mission - Hard Work
It's easy to have an idea, but it's another thing to commit time and effort to it.

Friday Devotional - Unity of Believers
We’ve been working through the Book of Acts, watching the early church flourish. The Spirit of God was moving. But then something started to happen, again. There was some division among the Christians.

Thursday Video
Many people have a tough time believing that God still speaks.

Wednesday Stories of Impact
I happened to be in Ashwaubenon this evening