Wednesday - Stories of Impact La Crosse Pizza Ranch Event
On Sunday, June 30th, Kicking Bear and Samaritan’s feet partnered with the LaCrosse Pizza Ranch team for an absolutely beautiful day of family fun and spreading the Gospel! Kicking Bear had a team teaching and giving

Tuesday Truths - Give Generously
Helping Hand

Monday Mission - Helping a Neighbor

Friday Devotional – A Thankful Heart
I’ve had many people ask me, “How do I get closer to God?” or, “How can I get my prayer life better?” In a…

Thursday Thought - Freedom
What is the cost of freedom, and how do you know you are free?

Wednesday Story of Impact - Winona, MN Pizza Ranch
Our newly opened Pizza Ranch location in Winona, Minnesota did a special event in the week leading up to their opening day. They partnered…

Tuesday Truth - Stephen's speech
Stephen's Speech Acts 6:8-7:60 Stephen is considered the first martyr for the cause of Christ and Christians in the world. That is what he is…

Monday Mission - Capture and tell the stories of God
Psalm 78:4 We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generationthe glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and…

Friday Devotional – A Source of Power
We’ve been getting together every week to pray for the last 14+ years here at Pizza Ranch, Inc. I love it that this has been a norm here for so many. Prayer is part of the “Who” we are as a company….it’s part of our “why.” It’s a source of power for our company.

Thursday Thoughts - The Prayer of Faith
Prayer is an important part of our walk with Jesus. In the book of James, we see the power of praying in community with…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Elara Partnership
Message from Elara - It was fantastic to see our friends at @Pizza Ranch during their national convention in Wisconsin! We are incredibly proud…

Tuesday Truths - Trust Continually
God can be trusted. God’s ways are higher than our ways. It can be hard to understand when trials come our way, but God…