Friday Devotional - Reconciliation and Mending
Reconciliation is only possible through what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. In order to reconcile with others, we first need to reconcile with God.

Thursday Thoughts - Spring and HOPE (part two)
Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer If you read my post earlier this week, you’ll know that I am becoming a big fan of spring. After a few cold/rainy slushy days over the past week, I am SO ready to see the signs of spring.

Wednesday - Stories of Impact - American Heart Association
Many people struggle with heart conditions, in fact it's the #1 cause of death in the USA. The American Heart Association (AHA) is celebrating their 100th year.

Tuesday Truths - Spring and Hope
Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer Everyone seems to love fall. I get it, fall means changing leaves, autumn décor, pumpkin spice latte’s, soft scarves and fuzzy sweaters. However, I think spring is grossy underrated. Spring is the time for renewal...

Monday Mission - Forgiveness
Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer Sometimes I receive what I refer to as “God nudges”; you know, those times that you keep receiving the same message over and over in various forms, until you FINALLY realize that God is sending you a message?

Friday Devotional – Tired
This week one of our ministry partners, LifeWise Academy, made national news with what they’re doing with public school Bible education during school hours (See LifeWise). The problem is when the news organizations don’t give all the information shared

Thursday Thought - God's Love in the Sky
I’ll start off today with the disclaimer that I’m not a scientist. Spoiler alert 😉 We know from the Bible that God is a Creator; He created everything as told in Genesis. Some of God’s creations I question a bit. I mean, have you SEEN that 2-beaked bird? Google “Rhinoceros hornbill” for this guy. Admittedly I don’t like birds to begin with, so this creature is something straight out of my nightmares. But I digress.

Wednesday Story of Impact - The Ripple Effect
What happens when you throw a stone into a pond? Does it just plop straight down to the bottom of the floor? Not immediately.…

Tuesday Truth - People More Than Flowers
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you – you of little faith?” - Matthew 6:28-29

Monday Mission - Spring Renewal
Today is the first day of April. While it is best known as April Fool’s Day, here on the blog I want us to think about it as the first day of Spring Renewal.

Friday Devotional-How Deep the Father's Love for Us
Songs and music are my worship language and help bring me closer to God. One of my favorite songs for the Easter Season that has been on my heart lately is “How the Deep the Father’s love for Us” by Stuart Townend. This year this song has even deeper meaning for me as I recently lost my dad. This song brings comfort in knowing the realization of what Jesus’s sacrifice means.

Thursday Thoughts - Sacraficial Lamb
Recently I learned that sheep’s blood is an antivenom for snake bites. I think this is a beautiful analogy of the power of Jesus’s blood over Satan’s venomous attacks on our life.