Friday Devotions - God is always working
Overview of the book of Esther
Thursday Thought - Follow Your Guide
Shortly after I graduated college and my sister-in-law graduated high school, we decided to take a road trip together. 2 Girls, 7 states, one tent, and a trusty Honda Accord took off on a weeklong trek. We learned a tough lesson about always following the map on that trip...
Wednesday Story of Impact - Ronald McDonald House Charities
Last Month Pizza Ranch Support Center’s marketing department took a morning to serve at the Ronald McDonald House in Sioux City, Iowa. The team of 11 individuals prepared a meal for the families at the hospital & packaged care kits for families when they come stay at the house.
Tuesday Truth - Your Steps
As a runner, I have learned to value the strength in my legs and every step I take. One verse that always had a special place in my heart can be found in Proverbs 16: 9, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” But you don’t need to be a runner to value and appreciate this verse.
Monday Mission - Follow the Recipe
This weekend's baking didn't go according to plan. It reminded me the importance of reading scripture closingly and not leaning on your own understanding.
Friday Devotional - Different Seasons
Have you ever felt like God changes His mind about what He is asking you to do? Back in February 2022, I led devotions and talked about how I felt that God was asking me to go into a season of rest and margin. A season of strategic yes's and more “no”s than usual.
Thursday Thoughts - Win or Learn
It's not always about winning, sometimes it can be about losing as well. Let's re-think the phrase "Win or Lose" into "Win or Learn".…
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Firetruck Delivery!
The Sioux Center and Hull Pizza Ranches will be partnering up with their local Fire Departments to have Pizza and the Country's Best Chicken…
Tuesday Truth - Market Value
How do you know how much something is worth? By how much someone is willing to pay for it. God paid for you with…
Monday Mission - Find Your Purpose
It's easy to get sucked into the normal patterns of this world, even easier to seek comfort vs. push yourself to your true potential.…
Friday Devotions - Calling
We spend so much of our lives striving to find our purpose or calling in life; working to find true meaning. We decide at…
Thursday Thoughts - Calming of the Storm
From the You Version Bible App One of the most well-known stories in Jesus' life is the calming of the storm