Friday Devotions - God is Limitless
2 Kings 4:1-7. The widow's olive oil.

Thursday Thought - No Expiration Dates
On Tuesday we talked about Abram and Sarai, and we’re going to pay them one more visit today. Do you know how long it was from the time God made a convent with Abram that he would be the father of many nations (Genesis 15:5 says that Abram’s offspring will be as numerous as the stars in the sky), until the time when Abram and Sarai’s first son was born?

Wednesday Story of Impact – Game Plan for Life – Joe Gibbs
Late each summer, Joe Gibbs and the Game Plan for Life team with a community to present the gospel in a unique way.

Tuesday Truth - Rest in God's Provision
One of the many things I love about God is how there are endless sides of Him. He is full of love, grace and mercy, He is the ultimate judge and executer of justice. And God runs on a timeline all His own; He sees things that we have no way of seeing and plans things according to His good will.

Monday Mission - Be Kindness
Today is an important day in our country; we will see President Biden out of office and watch President Trump take an oath to protect our country.

Friday Devotions - Follow Me
John 21: 15-22 shares a beautiful full-circle moment Peter had with Jesus! I often find myself in the same shoes as Peter. Even though God has crafted my life and called me to a unique path of serving and following Christ, it can be so easy to lose focus on following Jesus.

Thursday Thoughts - New Every Morning
Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Bethesda Christian Counseling
Pizza Ranch, Inc. is proud to partner with Bethesda Christian Counseling, whose focus is to restore and sustain wholeness in all people by providing Christian-based counseling.

Tuesday Truth - The Golden Rule
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” We probably first heard this in our early years, whether in elementary school or daycare. Did you know that this verse is in the Bible?

Monday Mission - Seeing the Need
No one knows what someone is going through behind the scenes and closed doors—no one, except God.

Friday Devotional - An Unexplainable Peace
This week I’ve had several talks with folks about a feel of darkness in the building. A lot of folks kind of down. It is that time of year, right? Dark, cold, gloomy…for some that is very hard. It sounds like “worry and anxiousness” is a big culprit for some. Anxiousness about the year, the country, the world in general. Life is kind of crazy.

Thursday Thoughts - Mount Carmel
How many prophets did Elijah face on Mount Carmel?