Tuesday Truth - Believers in Christ are to be unified
What instructions does the apostle Paul give to believers in Christ?

Monday Mission - Do Not Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger (Ephesians 4)
Ephesians 4:26 says "...do not let the sun go down on your anger." This simple instruction can have many positive impacts on a person's life…

Friday Devotional - WOW God By Dean Kooima
Today's devotion we are looking at the different ways God talks to us. When is the last time you sat back and just said “Wow God”.

Thursday Thoughts: Pray for the people in your life
Devotion today provided by: Jenna Finkenhoefer. A few years ago a friend of mine gave me her copy of “10 Minutes to Powerful Prayer” by Stormie Omartian. Anytime I’m at a loss of what to pray about or feel like my prayers have become monotonous and stale, I refer back to this book. One of my favorites is “pray for the people in your life”.

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Cottleville, MO
Cottleville, MO, Pizza Ranch opened it's doors for business a couple weeks ago. Prior to opening they had their "Soft Opening" and "First Bite" Ceremony.

Tuesday Truths: Take a moment…
Devotion today provided by: Jenna Finkenhoefer. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”. -Chinese proverb
Monday Mission: Share your Favorite Verse
Devotion today provided by: Jenna Finkenhoefer. I was in church a few weeks ago, and during the service, someone mentioned their favorite verse from the Bible. After I left church, I started to think about this statement, and as someone who routinely writes down and saves quotes, I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t have one!

Friday Devotional - Jesus Redeems
I love to read, but my favorite genre is World War II – memoirs, historical fiction, all of it. Female spies, concentration camps, Russian female snipers, British code breakers, German mid-wives, Auschwitz tattooists, etc.

Thursday Thought - Faith Like a Child
Every night at my daughters’ bedtime, I snuggle up in bed with one of my girls (we have twin daughters and my husband and…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Corporate Stores Clean-Up
As a kid, my parents taught me to clean up my room, set the table, empty the trash cans and how to do other chores around the house. The goal was always to take care of what we had and to be good stewards of what God provided us with.

Tuesday Truth - Strong Fortress
Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe. As I was thinking about God’s truths as I sat down to write today’s post, this verse jumped to my mind.

Monday Mission - Living Water
We’re in the middle of summer right now in Iowa and even though we saw some cooler temperatures last week, we know the Midwest well enough to see the hot July heat coming back soon.