Thursday Thoughts-How Did Candy Canes Get Their Shape?
Have You Ever Wondered... How did candy canes get their shape? Have candy canes always been striped? Why are candy canes associated with Christmas? Me too, so I went exploring and found a lot of information on candy canes!
Wednesday Story of Impact-Beaver Dam Pizza Ranch Raises $1039 for Kaylee's Rainbow Foundation
Recently during the opening of the Beaver Dam Pizza Ranch, the Beaver Dam team identified a special cause to provide impact to in their first week!
Tuesday Truth-Keep Chistmas In My Heart. . .
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Monday Mission-Reduce Your Holiday Stress
If you are like me, you are probably looking forward to the upcoming Christmas events, but also have a bit of stress creeping in thinking about all the busyness and potential chaos. I wanted to share an article, from mental health expert Dr. John Delony, I found very helpful in helping me focus on reducing my holiday stress. . .
Friday Devotional - Answered Prayers
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at Psalm 30. Psalms does such a great job of hitting about every topic and every emotion there is. It’s the book in my life that has been the most relatable to me over the years. It’s the reasons some of the people I respect the most in my life spend time in Psalms every day…no matter where their other Bible Reading takes them. In this passage David is pointing out how awesome it is to have prayers answered over the course of time.
Thursday Thoughts - Preparation in Waiting
God has a purpose for every season in our life including times of waiting. But waiting doesn’t mean wasting time. God is using this time to help you grow and prepare for the next season he is bringing you into.
Wednesday Story of Impact - a Testimony of God's Faithfulness in Waiting.
This week we are studying how God can use seasons of waiting in life for His purposes. I invited Hannah Eads, a missionary with Cru – Campus Crusade for Christ to share her experience of waiting, and how God used it to prepare her for where she is today.
Tuesday Truth – You have work to do in waiting.
This week we are looking at verses in the Bible that offer encouragement in waiting. Often waiting can be frustrating or confusing. As we talked about yesterday, God has a reason for bringing us through every season of our lives, including season of waiting. But why? What good can be done in the waiting?
Monday Mission: Waiting isn’t Worthless.
Being in my mid-twenties, it seems as though everyone my age is in a season of waiting. It got me thinking, what does the Bible have to say about waiting?
Thursday Thoughts - How Do You Give?
How do you give? Do you share with Friends how "generous" you are? Do you make it a point in conversation to share which…
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Thanksgiving Thoughtfullness
The Burlington, IA Pizza Ranch has an elderly guest that often visits their location. Leading up to Thanksgiving this year this special guest ordered…
Tuesday Truth - Faith
Faith is not only believing that God can, it is knowing that He will. Photo Credit : Aaron Burden via…