Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Faithful Follow-Through

A sentiment that has been on my heart for a few days is that God is a good and faithful God. We see this again and again in Scripture; in the Old Testament, God continues to pull the Israelites out of the muck even when they repeatedly disobey God.

A person reading the bible

Tuesday Truth - Asking for Wisdom

Remember how I indicated in yesterday's devotions that we should seek God's wisdom and help? So, this is how we should approach God regarding anything and everything.

Bible verse text: Colossians 3:13

Thursday Thoughts - Glasses Smudges

If you're a fellow glasses-wearer like myself, you'll know how frequently you have to wipe your lenses clean. I keep those little clothes all over the place, in my desk, my car, my purse, my medicine cabinet, etc. It's funny how a spec of dust...

hand holding glasses away from body with image of trees, grass in focus through the lens.

Tuesday Truth - God Glasses

What did you think of yesterday's challenge? Is there something you need to remind yourself of frequently?  Don't put yourself down for needing the reminder, but let the Holy Spirit use it to draw your deeper into your relationship with God.

Man sitting at laptop in front of window

Monday Mission - A New Reminder

In our technology-minded world we all have numerous accounts and passwords to keep track of. Have you ever considered using a password as a reminder for yourself?