Thursday Thoughts--See the Good
Are you seeing the good in each situation. . .?
Wednesday Stories of Impact--Magical Moment
Super cool story of impact provided by the Tea Pizza Ranch Team!
Tuesday Truth--Galatians 5:22-23 NIV
Staying with the theme of positivity this week, I wanted to share a few verses from Galatians that I find encouraging!
Monday Mission--Stay Positive
Recently I've been struggling to stay positive due to multiple experiences of negativity going on in my work, life, and the world. If you are like me, sometimes it's helpful to be challenged by lists of alternatives to giving into a negative mindset. So I compiled a list of tips that I hope you will find helpful to combat negativity. It is my hope that you can adopt one or more of these tips to help you stay positive this week and become your Monday Mission!
Friday Devotional - Christ as your High Priest
In the Old Testiment the Isrealite nation observed the Day of Atonement. Let's take a look at what that entailed and how it has changed for followers of Christ today.
Thursday Thoughts: Consider it Pure Joy
It can be easy to feel joyful when life is easy. But what about when life is difficult? How can I be joyful in suffering?
Wednesday Story of Impact - Colorado Scouts helping Scouts in Ukraine
On Wednesday March 30, local boy scouts from five different groups partnered with the Pueblo Pizza Ranch to host a Community Impact Night to help raise funds for Boy Scouts overseas in Ukraine.
Tuesday Truth - Happiness isn't Joy
As we continue to look at joy this week, it is important we make one distinction: joy and happiness are not the same thing. They are vastly different.
Monday Mission -The Joy of the Lord
Another Monday has begun. Your week is in full swing. Last night, as you prepared to begin another work week this week, where was your heart at?
Friday Devotional - Many Benefits
The benefits of accepting Christ as our Savior are vast. It’s a free gift for all who want it. When we give our life to Christ, we receive much more than just eternal life. We are more than just sinners saved by grace. These things are wonderful, and I am excited about them, but there’s so much more to it.
Thursday Thoughts - What Are You Afraid Of?
What Are You Afraid Of? An upcoming test at school or a big presentation at work? Checking your bank account balance or your credit card…
Wednesday Story of Impact - Next Generation
A guest recently sent in this picture that their 6 year old son drew in school. Always fun to see young children, that next…