Tuesday Truth - The Word is the Truth
When looking for direction in life there is only one truth in this world that matters. The Holy Bible. Nowadays people feel the need…
Monday Mission - Rest in His Presence
Take 20 minutes this week, sit, breathe and relax. No phone, no friends, no family, no T.V., no book...just you resting in His Presence. Forget…
Friday Devotional - Longing for God
Desiring to be in God’s presence should be a longing for all those following Him. What is wonderful is that Jesus and others have taught us to pray and that we have God’s revelation readily accessible in scripture for many of us.
Thursday Thoughts - Fear
Are there giants in your life that cripple you with fear or cause you insecurity
Wednesday Story of Impact - Feed the Hungry
Pizza Ranch Restaurants work with a vendor Elara Brands and we were excited to hear that they give back to feeding the hungry by selling gloves.
Tuesday Truths - Pause
"I will give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds." Psalms 9:1
Monday Mission - Keep Still
Devotional: Rest In our fast-paced culture, we are constantly in motion,
Thursday Thought - Is the Earth big, or small, and why?
Did God create the Earth big, or small? And why?
Wednesday Story of Impact - Pizza Ranch Bloomington, IL
The Pizza Ranch in Bloomington, IL made an impact on their community during a bad snowstorm in February.
Tuesday Truth - You Cannot be Separated from God's Love
Romans 8:38-39
Monday Mission - Give for Jesus
Here are six examples of giving, as found in the Bible book Luke
Friday Devotional - Obedience
Have you ever struggled with being obedient to God? There are lots of reasons we can struggle with obedience: Fear, Pride, Laziness, Procrastination, Lack of Trust in God, Impatient with God’s timing, Busyness.