Thursday Thoughts - Compassion
About 1 month ago our Church had Compassion Sunday.

Stories of Impact - RiseFest June 11-12
RISE Ministries began in 2001 with Rob Roozeboom's simple desire to share his story of hope through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Tuesday Truths - Don't Worry
"So don't worry about tomorrow,

Monday Mission - Memorial Day
Every holiday in the community where I live, our city park is covered with flags honoring our Veterans and it is so beautiful. Then on the Saturday before Memorial Day, I visited the

Friday Devotional - Turning Anxiousness to Excitement
I see and hear about a lot of anxious people these days. People are scrambling to do their due diligence in life. There’s spouses, kids, and grandkids. There’s church, work and errands. There’s life…and all that comes with it. But we also need to start turning that anxiousness into excitement. God’s got us…He’s got you. (Psalm 5:1-3) talks about crying out to God with our needs, and then waiting with anticipation to see what He’ll do with it. When you feel anxiousness welling up in your life, flip the switch in your mind. Give it over to the Lord, trust that the Holy Spirit will help, and then be excited to see what God does with it.

Thursday Thoughts - Bible Legitimacy
Have you ever wondered if the Bible is truly God's holy and inspired word? Or how reasonable is it to believe that what we find written is legitimate?

Wednesday Story of Impact
You probably already know about Pizza Ranch's commitment to community impact. This can typically be seen during community impact nights where volunteers host a…

Tuesday Truth - His Love Endures Forever
I'm sure you've heard it many times, or perhaps its your first time reading it: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his…

Friday Devotional- Jesus in the Book of Micah
We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all great stories on their own, but they absolutely paint a picture of who Jesus will be and what he’ll do for those who believe. Jesus claimed that the entire Old Testament pointed to Him (Luke 24:27; John 5:46). Since the Book of Micah is a part of the OT, let’s take a look to see how it points to Jesus.

Thursday Thought - Rejoicing when you die
I recently read a book that referenced an old saying from an American Indian tribe, "When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries and you rejoice." What a great life philosophy!

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Community Supporter
Kevin Boon was recently highlighted by a group on Facebook called Humans of Oshkosh. Kevin's involvement in the community and his passion for helping people have made a difference in many lives.

Tuesday Truth - Rescued, Purchased and Forgiven
One of my favorite things about summer is that it stays light out longer. I enjoy being able to be outside in the evenings, either going for a walk or even just having light streaming into the house. It makes sense to me that God refers to his kingdom as one of light.