Thursday Thoughts - The Holy Spirit God's Guarantee
As we talked on Monday about being chosen by our Lord, to be holy, and set apart for a special purpose read the verses below from Ephesians and know God loves you:

Wednesday Stories for Impact - Arkansas City
Arkansas City, KS Team member Kirsta displayed Service from the Heart. Below is the post Kirsta wrote and the comment the guest left at the end of the visit.

Tuesday Truths - Anxious Thoughts
Have you ever woke in the middle of the night and your anxious thoughts get you all wound up to the point where

Monday Mission - Chosen
In a daily devotional reading today we looked at Ephesians 1:3-4 and it says we are chosen by Christ

Friday Devotional- 9/11 Remembered & Trust God
Where was God on 9/11/2001?

Thursday Thought- How is "the harvest" used in Scripture?
God is the Lord of the Harvest

Wednesday Story of Impact- Game Plan For Life by Joe Gibbs
Game Plan for Life is a men's ministry and nonprofit started by former NFL head coach and current NASCAR team owner, Joe Gibbs.

Tuesday Truth- God is the Lord of the Harvest
Who is to take credit for "the harvest" in our lives and the world around us?

Monday Mission- Help bring in the harvest
Matthew 9:35-38

Friday Devotional- Philippians 4:4-8
In 1942 there was a book written by C. S. Lewis called, “The Screwtape Letters.” It’s a book that takes the form of letters from a Sr. demon named Screwtape, to his nephew and Jr. tempter, named Wormwood. Wormwood is being mentored by his uncle and is responsible for securing the damnation of a particular person. Check this out to see if we can glean some wisdom as we navigate a political storm.

Thursday Thought- God's view of planting seeds
Scripture gives us an idea of how God looks at the value of seeds people plant.

Wednesday Story of Impact- Campus Crusade for Christ
Campus Crusade for Christ is a ministry partner of Pizza Ranch.