Thursday Thought - Is God your Lighthouse?
Last week I was in my car and the song, "My Lighthouse" by Rend Collective was playing. I started asking myself, what does it mean for God to be our lighthouse?

Wednesday - Stories of Impact - A Life Saved
Today Wichita Pizza Ranch received a call from a gentleman (name removed) that wanted to let us know about how Coby Bircher touched his life yesterday.

Tuesday Truth - We are all Sinners
The first sin recorded in the Bible happens at the very beginning, in Genesis, when the woman created by God takes and eats an apple from the one tree she and the man were instructed not to eat from.

Monday Mission - Grow in Knowledge and Understanding
In today's modern day, information is literally at our finger tips and often arriving on our devices through automatic notifications.

Friday Devotions
1 Tim 2:1-8 (The Gospel, prayer, and pleasing God)

Thursday Thoughts - Commit
Commit to the Lord

Wednesday Story of Impact - SF West Awarded at Banquet
Sioux Falls West Team awarded Community Impact Award at Banquet

Tuesday Truths - Be the David
Sometimes in life God will put a Goliath in front of you, and it's up to you to be the David. …

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Psalm
I often wonder what it would be like to see into the future; imagine what we could do with that information! Imagine being able to see, for example, what the life of your child would be like. What they would do and see, how they would act and live, and even how they would die someday. It might be a little scary. Well, today we’ll see a crazy amount of examples again in the Old Testament…this time in the Book of Psalm.

Thursday Thoughts - Beauty
Fall As we enter into fall I am awed by God's beauty. Taking many walks I have been taking the time

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Pizza Ranch Cedar Rapids August 25th Showed Service from the Heart to Washington High school

Tuesday Truths - Love
Love Bears all things Believes all things Hopes all things Endures all things 1 Corinthians 13:7 Photo credit: Carolyn V. from Unsplash…