Pizza Ranch Serves

Tuesday Truth - He is Good

Have you ever found yourself in constant prayer, asking for God’s help to overcome a circumstance? Maybe it is a life situation that you can not seem to overcome. Perhaps it’s a prayer you have been longing for such as healing a disease or mending a marriage.

golden wheat field

Tuesday Truth - Honor God

A few years ago I kept hearing about honoring God, so I decided to do some research on what does it exactly mean to honor God. I learned quite a bit, and that there are many ways to honor God.


Tuesday Truth- Start Your Day with God

So often God reveals himself to us, but we are too distracted to notice. This morning my heart and mind are racing from thought to thought. Remember to pack swim towels. Fill the dog's water one more time before we leave the house.

Man sitting alone on a bench

Tuesday Truth - Suffering as a Christian

In life, we face many different types of trials and suffering, it can be very difficult to hold on to the promises that God has for us. Whatever it may be, whether you have faced serious situations in your personal/family life, or you are getting persecuted for standing up for your faith, remember that it’s during times like these where we can feel and experience a little of what Jesus went through. Jesus asked God if there was any way He could take the burden away from Him (Luke 22:39-44), but instead God sent His Angel to comfort Jesus, and by doing so, Jesus was able to persevere until God’s plan for His life was complete. (Thank the Lord for that!)