Tuesday Truth - Temporary High
Where are you searching for peace? Where do you go to find joy? When you "find it" how long does it last? I think we…

Tuesday Truths - Teaching
Working with Children.

Tuesday Truths - Thankfulness abounds!
Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer I’m so grateful to be able to contribute to PR serves and was especially excited to contribute on the week of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, I really was challenged with finding inspiration….so, I leaned into my Pizza Ranch Family, and asked several people to share what they were most thankful for this holiday season. The responses I received truly made me realize what an incredible team we are at Pizza Ranch. So, this year I’m most thankful for the wonderful people I work with- you truly make every day a blessing. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did! More to come later this week! “I am thankful for my family, and having a roof over my head, and a full heart and pantry.”

Tuesday Truth – Bravery in Brokenness
At church, we are starting a new series on the book of Ruth. The first message was titled “Bravery in Brokenness” and the pastor talked about chapter 1 only. If you need a refresher on the story of Ruth, it’s a wonderful account of how God is providential in His timing and how He provides for His people in unexpected ways, even in the midst of tragedy.

Tuesday Truth - Bind the Word of God
Some Orthodox Jews would wear a black leather box, called a tefillin, just above their forehead fastened to their head with a leather band. Inside the box they would put the scrolls of the Word of God. It was their way applying a command form the Law, Deuteronomy 11:18, “You shall bind them…as a sign upon your forehead.” This is done as an outward observance, but in looking deeper this can change your life and mind.

Tuesday Truths - Philippians 4:6-7
Philippians 4:6-7

Tuesday Truth
"The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply."-Stephen Covey

Tuesday Truth - Your Steps
As a runner, I have learned to value the strength in my legs and every step I take. One verse that always had a special place in my heart can be found in Proverbs 16: 9, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” But you don’t need to be a runner to value and appreciate this verse.

Tuesday Truth - Market Value
How do you know how much something is worth? By how much someone is willing to pay for it. God paid for you with…

Tuesday Truth - Spiritual Disciplines
5 spiritual disciplines you can practice when spending time with God:

Tuesday Truth - God’s Faithful to His Promises
Sometimes I’m late. And sometimes I promise something and I forget to do it by when I said I’d have it done by. Case in point? The picture of the two stuffed puppies to the left.

Tuesday Truth - Admirer or Follower
Admirer or Follower? Are you a real follower of Jesus? How do you know? In Matthew 7:15-20 Jesus tells us its not hard to discern the difference. You’ll know by their fruit.