Pizza Ranch Serves

paint outline of 2 handprints with a heart in the middle

Tuesday Truth - Commanded to Love

Did you know as Christians we are commanded to Love? Yesterday we talked about how the Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection are the greatest act of love in history. But did you know that Jesus gave a new command to his disciples at the last supper?

Purple flowers emerging through the snow

Tuesday Truth - There is Hope

Content provided by guest writer, Jenna Finkenhoefer. A few years ago, I was walking through the garden area in early spring, and saw in a sheltered area crocuses that were starting to emerge and bloom. I commented to the person who was gardening that I was so happy to see any signs of spring. His reply was “It’s God’s way of letting us know there is hope.”

Tuesday Truth – Be Strong and Courageous

One of my favorite themes of the Bible is how God promises to be with us. In the book Joshua, Joshua was appointed as the new leader of the Israelites after Moses died and God was calling him to some epic battles.

Child hand in hand with dad

Tuesday Truth - Trust

One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” This is an important reminder for me. It’s easy to get sucked into worry and anxiety about what might happen or what someone might think of me. We need to remember the name of our God, Immanuel, meaning “God is with us”. This verse reminds me to not worry and trust that God is with me now and every day after. We needn’t worry about tomorrow, just walk with God today.

Little girl sitting and reading a Dr. Suess book dressed like the cat in the hat!

Tuesday Truth - No One is Youer Than You!

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” - Dr. Seuss I absolutely love Dr. Seuss and if you ask my kids, maybe it's a bit too much! Above is one of my most favorite of his many quotes, and I love the truth within in it!

chain of paper hearts on a white background

Tuesday Truth - Known by Love

As Christian we are called to live according to God’s ways and not the ways of the world. Living in obedience to God’s word will make you look different than non-believers in many ways. One way Jesus mentioned in John 13:35 is that others will know you are Christ’s disciples is by your love for other people!