Wednesday Story of Impact – Prayer Requests
I’ve always felt like the Pizza Ranch Support Center is a special place to work for a lot of reasons. I get along with pretty everyone here, have a great team I get to work with every day and (because #honesty) there’s usually some sort of pizza or other snacks in the breakroom.
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Make-A-Wish & the Waukesha Pizza Ranch
Read more about the Waukesha Pizza Ranch partnered with Make-A-Wish, and other community members, to give "Captain Lydia" a boat for her and her family.
Wednesday Stories of Impact
The Vermillion Pizza Ranch recently hosted a community impact night for the USD Unified Special Olympics and helped to raise $691.33 for the event! Great job to the USD Unified Special Olympics group who did an amazing job promoting their event, and additionally a shout out to the Vermillion team for providing support to this successful Community Impact Night!
Wednesday Story of Impact - American Heart Association
Today the symbol of a heart has become closely associated with love. It is not uncommon to see homes, schools, and businesses decorated with hearts in February to celebrate in Valentine's Days. Did you know that February has more to celebrate than just Valentine’s Day?
Wednesday Stories of Impact
The Dell Rapids Pizza Ranch has a new employee lined up, but they won't be starting until February of 2032 A local elementary school asked a group
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Genesis House
Pizza Ranch partners with the Genesis House. Read more to learn their services and how they make an impact:
Wednesday Story of Impact - 25 Years of Service!
Jan Appleget recently celebrated her 25-year anniversary with Pizza Ranch!
Wednesday Story of Impact - Bibles & Breakfast
As we talk about the power of new thinking and new creations this week, some pastors and high schoolers are doing just that every week near the Andover and Champlin Pizza Ranches. Every Thursday, a local high school opens to allow a pastor from a nearby church and nearly 100 students to gather before the school day starts to be fed both spiritually and physically – they hear the truth from God’s Word and eat breakfast together.
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Thanksgiving Thoughtfullness
The Burlington, IA Pizza Ranch has an elderly guest that often visits their location. Leading up to Thanksgiving this year this special guest ordered…
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Jamaica Service Trip
Our 2022 team of 11 arrived in Jamaica November 12th and began work on the Jacob’s Well Church. We have worked with this church
Wednesday Story of Impact - Sensory Room at Oak Park Heights Pizza Ranch
Message from Ernie Swanson Jr. ~ Our daughter Abbie was diagnosed with Autism at the age of two. We know first hand how difficult it is to go out as a family. People with Autism can have many different sensory issues. Bright lights, loud music, large crowds can cause them to have melt downs. Some are even prone to wander and have loud outbursts. This causes families to basically isolate themselves. We know many families that have never been able to take their child out to a restaurant...
Wednesday Story of Impact - Truck or Treat
Last Monday was Halloween and what better way to have fun in local communities than to participate in Trunk or Treat festivities! Several of our Pizza Ranch locations decorated cars or stands for trick or treaters.