Friday Devotional - Self-Discipline
I have been going through a book with my mentor called Handbook to Leadership – Leadership in the Image of God. In the book it talks about many different forms of development – personal, skill and relational development. Each section has subsections where it talks about specific traits to go along with that subsection. For example, with Humility – it breaks it down each day with “Humility and who God is”, “Humility and who I am”, “Humility and how I think”, “what I do”, etc. One of the sections that has really stood out to me is the section on self-discipline. Before we get into that, read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Friday Devotional - "Good Friday"
Today is “Good Friday,” the day we remember when Jesus was crucified on the cross. Did you know that the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection didn’t just happen by chance, but that it was planned and foretold centuries beforehand? It can be very encouraging to read passages that show Scripture coming true.

Friday Devotional - Palm Sunday
This Sunday many Christians around the world will celebrate Palm Sunday. At our church this will involve kids ages 3-10 waving palm branches...

Friday Devotions- Self Validation
We live in a world that is very individualistic – tossing around phrases like “express yourself” and “live your best life”. We post things on social media to show others what we have or can do.

Friday Devotional- The Impact of Saul
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. The Book of Acts introduces us to two important men. Last week we learned about Stephen. He’s the one who had filled a need in the early church and was then killed for doing it. Today, we’ll learn of a man named Saul.

Friday Devotional - The Story of Stephen
We recently looked at the story of Stephen, which is about a man who was asked to fill a need in the early church. The position allowed him to see the needs of many.

Friday Devotional - Unity of Believers
We’ve been working through the Book of Acts, watching the early church flourish. The Spirit of God was moving. But then something started to happen, again. There was some division among the Christians.

Friday Devotional- Answered Prayers
What happens when we don't personally see the result of prayers? Does God hear our prayers? What about when we feel tired of praying?

Friday Devotional - Sharing Your Faith
Have you ever felt the nudge to share you faith with another person? It's what we're called to do, but it can be intimidating for many different reasons.

Friday Devotional - Misery Into Rejoicing
We’ve been traveling through the Book of Acts seeing amazing, life changing things happen. There have been miraculous signs and wonders filling the believers with excitement and unity. More and more people are becoming believers. We see God at work in great and powerful ways.

Friday Devotional - From the Head to the Heart
Our Vision Statement at Pizza Ranch is, “To glorify God by positively impacting the world.” This week during our devotion and prayer time we saw how the early church was trying to do the same thing and having great success.

Friday Devotional - No Masks
If you want to see Christians thriving, look at the end of Acts 4. They are united, empowered, and strong with a sense of togetherness that many had never experienced before. So much so that they begin to give away even their most valuable possessions for the sake of the gospel message. But then something happens.