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Track and Field Runner

Friday Devotional- Comeback Story

Don't you just love a comeback story? I oftentimes think of the NFL's comeback players of the year. Typically the winning athlete endures some sort of physical or emotional adversity, and amidst the suffering- they embrace the challenge to overcome. These stories are inspiring and heartwarming. Today's scripture was James 1:2-12- Trials and Temptations. A few verses that stick out to me:

Person with open bible in lap with word beliefs in shadow

Friday Devotional - Challenging Our Beliefs

If you've been following along with us, we're making our way through the book of Acts in the Bible. Today we asked the question, "Have you ever believed in something to be true, so true that you'd defend it with all its worth, only to find out later that you were wrong?" This question involves deep-seeded beliefs that one might take to the grave. In Acts 9:43-10:48 we see a few examples of these types of beliefs being challenged in the early Christian church. Do these same beliefs challenge us today? 

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Friday Devotional - A Changed Life

Today's devotion picks up in Acts right after Saul, a man who had a dangerous reputation of persecuting Christians, becomes an example of a changed life. Saul gives his life to Christ and is immediately changed. He's filled with the Holy Spirit and begins telling others about Jesus. (Acts 9:17-31)

Friday Devotional - Our Great Helper

During Worship at our Pizza Ranch National Conference this week we reviewed the first couple chapters from the Book of Acts. At the beginning of the book we start hearing about this great gift that Jesus said was coming. This gift would live in us and flow out of us. All those who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior would receive this gift. The gift is the Holy Spirit.

Boggle letter-word Listen and earbuds

Friday Devotional- LISTEN!

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. Today’s devotion picks up right after Saul, a man who had a dangerous reputation of persecution, was confronted by God in a blinding light. God tells him to go to Damascus and that someone would come and tell him what to do. A man named Ananias is sent by God to talk to Saul. Ananias hears and obeys God, even though he’s not too sure about it. (Acts 9:10-18).


Friday Devotional - A Changed Life

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. Today we looked at the story of a man named Saul. Saul was a Jewish leader who was doing everything he could to stop the good news of Jesus from being spread. He was breathing out murderous threats against Christians at this time.

Two guys having a conversation on a park bench

Friday Devotional - Start a Conversation

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. Today we looked at Acts 8:26-40, which is the story of Philip and the Ethiopian. The Ethiopian was an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. He had gone to Jerusalem to worship God, but at the same time was seeking Him, looking for the truth. God sees the Ethiopian man and sends Philip to reveal the truth to him.

Confused look

Friday Devotional - Don't Get Confused

Today we continue our journey through the Book of Acts and look at Acts 8:9-25, which is the story of a man from Samaria named Simon. He was a local sorcerer/magician who had been mastering his craft for a long time. Many people believed him to be divinely gifted, and he was highly regarded because of it.

Friday Devotional- Telling Your Story

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In Acts 8:1-8 we find the early church in chaos. A great persecution had broken out against those who believe. The church was being destroyed, men and women were being dragged out of their homes, and people were scattering throughout the region for safety. But this doesn’t stop folks from sharing Christ. It actually seems to intensify it. Our story today...