Friday Devotional- Scripture Fulfilled
The Book of Acts starts off saying that Jesus’ birth, life and death was just the beginning. Acts 1:1 says: “I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach.” In other words, there’s a lot more to come. Scripture had to be fulfilled. Check this quick summary of Acts 1:

Friday Devotional- How Then Should We Live
Guest Post from our Director of Training and Development, Jason L: As we’ve continued on looking into the book of Acts, God called us to Acts 1:12-14

Friday Devotional- Jesus Will Return
Acts 1: 8-11 tells the story of Jesus being taken up into the clouds right in front of the disciples before their very eyes.

Friday Devotional- The Strategic Plan
Last week we heard about the Great Gift that Jesus was talking to his disciples about. This Great Gift is the Holy Spirit, given…

Friday Devotional- The Great Gift
The Holy Spirit is a free gift to anyone who claims Christ as their Savior. The Holy Spirit fills us at the time of our conversion.

Friday Devotional- The Fragrance of Christ
Earlier this year I subscribed to a daily devotional that would be emailed to me each morning. This has been a true delight and I want to share one of the excerpts called, "The Best Kitchen" which is taken from a book called "Shouts of Joy".
Friday Devotional - The Power of Words
In my past life I worked for a couple of different newspapers. I spent some time interning with the regional newspaper during college, then spent the first few years after college working for a small newspaper in one of the local towns, working mainly with sports but some news as well. One thing that always stood out to me working at the newspaper is the power words can have.

Friday Devotional- FACTS
We are continuing our study on the Book of Acts. Acts 1:3 says, “After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God.” How do we know that this is true? How do we know that Jesus actually walked on earth, died, arose from the dead and then walked the earth for 40 some days?

Friday Devotional- The Book of Acts
Every Thursday morning at 8:04 (CT) we get together here at Pizza Ranch Corporate for prayer and devotions. This week we started a journey through the Book of Acts. Acts 1:1 says, “ In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach.”

Friday Devotion - You are what you eat
We have all heard the phrase 'you are what you eat'. This also applies to 'you are what you consume'.

Friday Devotional- Submit
Every so often we come across something in life that gets us thinking deeper. This past week I had this happen to me. I heard a verse that I've read and heard about thousands of times, but for whatever reason it stuck with me. It made me want to look it up to see if I could understand it better.

Friday Devotional - More than Enough
Today’s devotions were taken from a sermon that I heard recently. The sermon was titled "More Than Enough."