Friday Devotional- The Promise of Provision
The fact that God will take care of those who believe and follow Jesus is found throughout Scripture. Matthew 6:33 says that if we seek first the Kingdom of God, everything else will fall into place.

Friday Devotional - The Promise of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is one of the great promises from God to those who believe and follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit can be found mentioned throughout the Bible, but in Acts 2:2-4, we see Jesus’ promise of a helper come true. The Holy Spirit is promised to live in, around, and flow out of us. But there’s more to it….

Friday Devotional- The Promise of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is one of the great promises from God to those who believe and follow Jesus.

Friday Devotional - The Promise of Eternal Life
When I was a child, our Sunday school teacher told us his definition of forever. It was something I’ve never forgotten. He said, “if a bird flew to the mountains every year, took a bite of the ground, then flew to the ocean and dropped it in, when the mountain finally became flat, that wouldn’t even be the beginning of forever.” I remember thinking that it would take forever for that bird to get that mountain flat. But then I got it, that was the point he was making. Forever is a very, very long time.

Friday Devotional - Perseverance
One of the most difficult things about training for a half-marathon isn’t necessarily the running itself, it’s the constant repetition of having to go…

Friday Devotional- What's Your Story?
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In Acts 28:23-31 we find Paul finishing out the Book of Acts strong. He arrives in Rome, the place Jesus had said Paul would bear witness to him, calling together the leaders of the Jews to meet.

Friday Devotional - No Fear
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In (Acts 19:23-41) we see a “great commotion” that was created by a man named Demetrius. Demetrius was a silversmith who made idols and trinkets representing Diana, an Ephesian goddess, of the Temple of Diana. Because Christianity had grown so much in his part of the world, his livelihood was being threatened. He called a meeting with the other silversmiths, got everyone upset, and worked them up into an angry mob. Christians were then targeted and persecuted.

Friday Devotional - Thinking Differently
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In Acts 15:36-41 we see a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, two great men of the Christian faith. They wanted to go back to visit the believers they had led to Christ on their first missionary journey to encourage and love on them in person. Barnabas wanted to take Mark along with them, but Paul was determined not to take him because he had left them in the middle of a prior trip. They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company.

Friday Devotional- Are Angels Real and Will I Become One?
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In Acts 12:6-11 we see an angel being used to deliver Peter from captivity. He had been put in jail by Herod Agrippa, who intended to put him to death after the big feast. An amazing story of what prayer can do. Today we asked two questions:

Friday Devotional - The Great Commission
Matthew 28: 16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Friday Devotional- Encouragement in Philemon
What do we learn about our own standing with God from the 25 verse book of Philemon?

Friday Devotional - The Parable of the Talents
As you grow in your faith and the years continue to pass, the amount of times that you have heard some of the most famous Bible stories and verses continues to multiply. Among that list may be, the creation story, the parable of the Good Samaritan, Cain and Abel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Jesus walking on water… the list goes on. Among some of the most famous stories lies the Parable of the Talents. Many of you already understand the meaning and the premise of this story, but I have always enjoyed sermons, messages, or conversations that explain or elaborated on it in a way that completely opens it up in a new way to me.