Friday Devotional - He Is With Us
Walking with the Lord as we live out our lives is something the Bible talks about. It's a relationship. May we each look to…
Friday Devotional - VICTORY!
May the LORD answer you when you call. May the God of Jacob protect you. May He send you help from His Holy Place. May He lift you up from heaven.
Friday Devotional- No Need to Panic
I am a mighty God. Nothing is too difficult for Me. Adapted from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young.
Friday Devotional- The Example of Daniel
Today is our final look at the story of Daniel, a summary of sorts. Daniel's story starts with
Friday Devotional - Oh, To Shine Like the Stars
Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Who will shine forever like the stars?
Friday Devotional- Knowing God
The Book of Daniel has some of the most amazing stories in the Bible. In chapter 11 we find Daniel listening to an angel tell him about all that is to come (And to date, it all has come true).
Friday Devotional - A Spiritual Battle
For devotions today, we read one of the most amazing stories in Daniel 10. Daniel was in his 90’s when this takes place, towards the end of a long, productive life as a Kingdom Builder.
Friday Devotional - Be Anxious for Nothing
Have you ever felt anxious? I encourage you to get Max Lucado’s book “Anxious For Nothing” (FINDING CALM in a CHAOTIC WORLD).
Friday Devotional - A Nugget of Hope- A Messiah Will Come
Daniel 9:22-25 is one of the most amazing prophecies of all. The commandment to restore and rebuild the city of Jerusalem would start the countdown for the coming of the Messiah.
Friday Devotional - Compassion and Capacity
Today we'll look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the parallels we see with our Pizza Ranch Vision and Mission. You can find the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.
Friday Devotional- God's Goodness
Is God always good? YES! How do we know? Read Jeremiah 32: 37-42 What does this passage tell us? God wants to be our God.God wants us…
Friday Devotional- It Is Finished!
For devotions today we’re going to talk about the death of Christ through the lens of Psalm 22. Psalm 22 was written centuries before Jesus…