Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – It Matters!

Can you believe all the talk about politics on Facebook.  And how difficult it is to read these days .  There’s so much frustration out there.  So many negative discussions.  It’s baffling how people can look at the very same thing and come away with totally different viewpoints.  Even to the point of arguing and […]

Friday Devotional – Being Willing

Have you ever gone on a trip where you didn’t have to plan anything?  There were no worries, except to show up and enjoy.  Each day brought a new adventure. Everything was carefully planned out by whoever set it up…maybe a  tour guide.  All you had to be was willing to follow. Wouldn’t it be great […]

Friday Devotional – Attracted to What?

John 6 opens with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 out in a deserted area by the Sea of Galilee. When the people saw his miracles, they became so consumed with him that they were ready to follow him anywhere. And they did. Even when Jesus slipped away, walking out to his disciples out […]

Friday Devotional – The Gospel Message

-Man has not kept, nor can he keep, the requirements of God. -To fail to keep His requirements is sin.  We all fall short. -The penalty of sin is death, separation from God. -Jesus came to give His body as a sacrifice for all sin. -Jesus is God’s only provision for the removal of sin. […]

Friday Devotional – His Name is Jesus

At the 9/11 memorial recently, we saw a video of a person looking up at the sky in horror.  I could read their lips as they said, “Oh my god.”  We also see this happen in movies, TV, and life when we (people) find ourselves in precarious situations.  Or when we see some sort of […]

Friday Devotional – Craziness

The Pizza Ranch Support Center just got back from an amazing trip to New York City.  What a trip, and what a place.  What stood out the most to me was the absolute craziness of it all. So many people walking, so many vehicles trying to get around.  The sights, the sounds, the smells.  In […]

Friday Devotional – Psalm 5:1-3

Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my meditation. 2 Harken to the to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for unto you do I pray. 3 O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayers; Unto you I look up and wait with expectation.   **May we each bring our requests before Him often…waiting with expectation.

Friday Devotional – The Case For Jesus

THE BIBLE: Most sold, celebrated, and debated manuscript in existence.  The oldest and most reliable documents discovered.  Continually transmitted accurately.  The Bibles Old Testament points to the life of Christ.  The New Testament is about the life, death , and resurrection of Christ.  And all that comes with Him. SCRIPTURE: ***300 prophecies that came true […]

Friday Devotional – Thanksgiving

Do you ever wonder how to get closer to God?  Or to be able to pray without ceasing?  I believe it starts with a thankful heart.  When we thank God throughout our day, not only does it help us pray more often, but it also provides a solid foundation of many other prayers.  It’s the […]

Friday Devotional – Being Thankful during Thanksgiving season

We are in the season of Thanksgiving which is just around the corner. Everywhere you look, the focus is on being thankful for a variety of things and areas of our lives from the past year. Giving thanks for the good things in our lives does not necessarily mean we are appreciating God’s blessings on […]

Friday Devotional – The Story Behind the Story

For devotions today we’re looking at the good and the bad found in John 3 and 4.  We’re looking at Nicodemus (John 3), the good….and then the Samaritan woman (John 4), the bad.  What a contrast between the two of them.  One has a great reputation, and one has a bad reputation.  One is seemingly […]

Friday Devotional – The “Unclean, Dirty” Person

Today we’re looking at the story of the Samaritan woman found in John 4:1-26. The story picks up with Jesus passing through Samaria on his way to Galilee.  The Jews tried to stay away from Samaria because was a region of people with mixed blood; even if they had to travel way out of the […]