Friday Devotional – Craziness
The Pizza Ranch Support Center just got back from an amazing trip to New York City. What a trip, and what a place. What stood out the most to me was the absolute craziness of it all. So many people walking, so many vehicles trying to get around. The sights, the sounds, the smells. In […]
Friday Devotional – Psalm 5:1-3
Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my meditation. 2 Harken to the to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for unto you do I pray. 3 O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayers; Unto you I look up and wait with expectation. **May we each bring our requests before Him often…waiting with expectation.
Friday Devotional – The Case For Jesus
THE BIBLE: Most sold, celebrated, and debated manuscript in existence. The oldest and most reliable documents discovered. Continually transmitted accurately. The Bibles Old Testament points to the life of Christ. The New Testament is about the life, death , and resurrection of Christ. And all that comes with Him. SCRIPTURE: ***300 prophecies that came true […]
Friday Devotional – Thanksgiving
Do you ever wonder how to get closer to God? Or to be able to pray without ceasing? I believe it starts with a thankful heart. When we thank God throughout our day, not only does it help us pray more often, but it also provides a solid foundation of many other prayers. It’s the […]
Friday Devotional – Being Thankful during Thanksgiving season
We are in the season of Thanksgiving which is just around the corner. Everywhere you look, the focus is on being thankful for a variety of things and areas of our lives from the past year. Giving thanks for the good things in our lives does not necessarily mean we are appreciating God’s blessings on […]
Friday Devotional – The Story Behind the Story
For devotions today we’re looking at the good and the bad found in John 3 and 4. We’re looking at Nicodemus (John 3), the good….and then the Samaritan woman (John 4), the bad. What a contrast between the two of them. One has a great reputation, and one has a bad reputation. One is seemingly […]
Friday Devotional – The “Unclean, Dirty” Person
Today we’re looking at the story of the Samaritan woman found in John 4:1-26. The story picks up with Jesus passing through Samaria on his way to Galilee. The Jews tried to stay away from Samaria because was a region of people with mixed blood; even if they had to travel way out of the […]
Friday Devotional – The Simple Truth
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The world. Not the perfect and beautiful world that He created. Instead it’s a world of darkness that’s rebelling. There’s pain, suffering, hatred, and conflict. Yet God […]
Friday Devotional – It’s That Simple
Today we’re looking at the story of Nicodemus found in John 3:1-15. It’s the story that finds Jesus telling Nicodemus, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” What did he mean by, born again? Did he mean that we needed to be go back […]
Friday Devotional – The Unexpected
Have you ever been somewhere with your family, or with friends, and something unexpected happened? Maybe something unbelievable? Today we look at an example of this found in Scripture. John 2:12-25 tells the story of Jesus doing something unexpected when He went with his mother, brothers and disciples to the temple. When he found folks […]
Friday Devotional – In An Instant
“Jesus said to the servants, Fill the jars with water; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. They did so.” (John 2:7-8) The miracles of Jesus are simply a speeding up of the natural process; a doing instantly something which generally […]
Friday Devotional – Mary and Martha
Today we reference the account of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10: 38-42. Esp. vs. 41, 42: “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.”” In this passage we are confronted with our tendencies to be performance based “doers.” In fact, if we are honest […]