Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Barely Hanging On

There are times in life that we seem to be barely hanging on.  Life is simply out of control.  We’re running around with our heads cut off.  If it’s not happening to us, then it’s happening to someone else around us.  I was feeling that way yesterday.  Last night, after a long day, I slipped […]

Friday Devotional – Hope and A Plan

Why does is it seem some prayers are answered and some aren’t or don’t appear to be? As I think about my prayers and challenges, one of my favorite verses came to mind. The verse is Jeremiah 29:11. Jeramiah, chapter 29 10:-14 – The Message 10-11 This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s […]

Friday Devotional – The Troubling Experiences of Life

What causes us to be troubled?  Many things, no doubt.  The loss of someone or something.  The not being able to understand the “why” it happened.  It’s hard for some, impossible for others, to even equate pain and loss with a loving God.  We’re not alone.  The Bible gives many stories of troubled folks.  Joseph […]

Friday Devotional- Worth a Pretty Penny

Without looking at one, take a pen and paper and start writing all the characteristics and uses of a United States penny that you can think of. How many did you come up with? 10? 20? Now take out a penny and add to your list what you missed. Did you come up with things […]

Friday Devotional – Is there life after death?

This is a question that all people ask themselves at some point.  All the early historical books indicate this desire to know what happens when one dies. The Old Testament talks about it some…but not a lot.  It seems to be more like a confident hope. The great age of philosophy discussed it a lot […]