Monday Mission - Live Alive in Christ
On Friday Perry shared with us how God can bring dry bones to life. Today I want to start off our week thinking a little more about that idea. Are you alive? Or just living?
Mission Monday – What’s in a Word
At the beginning of a new year, some people choose a word to embrace, learn about and lean into for the next year. While I haven’t done this before, I do believe in the power of words – written, spoken and believed.
Monday Mission - Hope Springs Eternal!
As we look ahead to this new year we can't help but also reflect on this past. When looking back think about how God…
Monday Mission - Look back
Last Monday our mission was to come up with gifts to be thankful for!
Monday Mission - Make a List
This time of year, when you hear the phrase “Make a list!”, what image comes to mind? Maybe a jolly older gentleman dressed in red? Most people enjoy receiving presents, but don’t always stop to think about the gifts that God has already given us.
Monday Motivation : Trust Your Gut
Like most Churches during this pandemic, ours has moved to a live-stream event. Watching Church online isn't something I personally enjoy as I want…
Monday Mission - Mary and Martha
Last Sunday we had a message on Luke 10:42 Photo Credit: Unsplash Scott Umstattd
Monday Mission - Grow in Knowledge and Understanding
In today's modern day, information is literally at our finger tips and often arriving on our devices through automatic notifications.
Monday Mission -
For Good Works
Monday Mission - Slow Down
Do you ever feel like all we as a society do is rush from one thing to the next? From one event to the next. From one meal to the next. From one activity to the next. You get my point.
Monday Mission : Trust the Nudge
We have all had that feeling, that feeling where we feel lead to call an old friend, make a kind gesture to a neighbor,…
Monday Mission - Chosen
In a daily devotional reading today we looked at Ephesians 1:3-4 and it says we are chosen by Christ