Monday Mission - Be Overwhelmed During Holy Week
Being overwhelmed isn't something I typically try to be, but in Big Daddy Weave's song "Overwhelmed," we can see how it can be a positive response to how we try to understand all that God has done for us.

Monday Mission - Compassion Like Jesus
I’m working through a reading plan where you read the New Testament in a year and right now I’m reading through the Gospels. One thing that has jumped off the pages to me lately is how many times you see the phrase “Jesus had compassion” for the people around him.

Monday Mission - Love over Coffee
The Support Center Staff was recently challenged to invite someone to coffee. Seems easy, right? Well, the challenge was to invite someone you don't…

Monday Mission - Healthy Habits
If I told you I was struggling with healthy habits, what would you think I'm struggling with? Automatically most people would assume I'm referencing illegal substances, poor dietary choices, or maybe lack of exercise. In reality, I'm struggling with keeping healthy spiritual habits. Praying with intentionality and meaning, deep conversations with God, daily Bible reading time, and devotions. What about you, how's your spiritual health right now?

Monday Mission – Who should I take out for a cup of coffee?
At our staff meeting last week, Adrie shared a moving story about two people who were on absolute opposite ends of an issue, and even though they considered the other an enemy, found a way to reach out to each other over a cup of coffee.

Monday Mission - Helping Hand
We all could use a helping hand from time to time.

Monday Mission - Live Alive in Christ
On Friday Perry shared with us how God can bring dry bones to life. Today I want to start off our week thinking a little more about that idea. Are you alive? Or just living?

Mission Monday – What’s in a Word
At the beginning of a new year, some people choose a word to embrace, learn about and lean into for the next year. While I haven’t done this before, I do believe in the power of words – written, spoken and believed.

Monday Mission - Hope Springs Eternal!
As we look ahead to this new year we can't help but also reflect on this past. When looking back think about how God…

Monday Mission - Look back
Last Monday our mission was to come up with gifts to be thankful for!

Monday Mission - Make a List
This time of year, when you hear the phrase “Make a list!”, what image comes to mind? Maybe a jolly older gentleman dressed in red? Most people enjoy receiving presents, but don’t always stop to think about the gifts that God has already given us.

Monday Motivation : Trust Your Gut
Like most Churches during this pandemic, ours has moved to a live-stream event. Watching Church online isn't something I personally enjoy as I want…