Monday Mission - Post Your Verse
What’s your favorite song? Do you have the lyrics to it memorized? Probably…
Monday Mission - Share Your Heart
How often do you share with others what they mean to you? How often do you express your feelings? Do your friends and family…
Monday Mission - Face Your Giants
We face (and will face) many giants in our lifetime. Health challenges, relationship issues, school difficulties, projects at work, and so much more.
Monday Mission - Prayer
The topic of prayer has been front-of-mind for me recently and God is revealing new and beautiful things through His Word as I seek scripture about prayer. Many of us know we can pray anywhere, anytime and about anything, but how often are those prayers self-focused requests?
Monday Mission - Be Brave!
Michelle Poler spoke at the Global Leadership Conference recently and shared some great insights on conquering fears.
Monday Mission - Encourage Others
We all need encouragement and are thankful for so many ways to encourage each other (phone calls, text message or hi how are you doing in person).
Monday Mission - Forgive Others
One of the biggest blessings of being a Christian is forgiveness. Through Christ we can have our sins wiped away, offering us a clean slate to start again.
Monday Mission - Be OK with not being OK
It's easy to say when someone asks you, "how you doing?" to say, "I'm 'fine', or 'OK', or 'hanging in there'". It's OK to not be OK, and it's OK to let people know you're not OK.
Monday Mission – Pray for Someone
1 Timothy 2:1-4 – “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
Monday Mission - Encouragement
Take a moment on this Monday to encourage someone close to you. Share with them what you appreciate about them, something unique to them,…
Monday Mission - J-O-Y
When I was growing up I learned a song in Sunday School that's stuck with me all my life. It's set to the tune of Jingle Bells:
Monday Mission - Celebrate Accomplishments
May is a month to celebrate new beginnings. This week take time to pray for and celebrate someone you know that has reached a…