Monday Mission - Share the Good News!
It is Christmas week! When you witness evidence of God's glory this week,

Monday Mission - Christmas
For many years our Church has been packing Christmas shoe boxes to send to children.

Monday Mission - Advent Season
It's Advent Season! Advent officially started yesterday, so it's time to turn our thoughts to Christmas...

Monday Mission - Trust God's Timing
I come from a family who runs late. You could pretty much plan on us being 10 (ish) minutes late to just about anything (and cutting it dangerously close to church). I married into a family who runs early. Similarly, they run about 10 minutes early (give or take).

Monday Mission : Appreciation Language
Let's be honest; we all like to be valued and know we belong. Do you know how you most like to be shown appreciation?…

Monday Mission - What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?
As I was driving to work this morning I decided to listen to my Bible app instead of the radio and was convicted when I heard 1 Peter 4. The passage is titled "Living for God" and offers reminders of how we should act as followers of Christ. Verses 10 reads, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

Monday Mission - Take a Risk
It is easy to stay in our comfort zones and avoid taking risks that could yield great reward.

Monday Mission - Prayer
Prayer Establishes God's Will (You Version Bible App)

Monday Mission - Pray for the Harvest
Fall is officially here, so much to be excited about. Cooler days and chilly nights. Pumpkin everything, football, beautiful fall colors and…harvest time!

Monday Mission - Post Your Verse
What’s your favorite song? Do you have the lyrics to it memorized? Probably…

Monday Mission - Share Your Heart
How often do you share with others what they mean to you? How often do you express your feelings? Do your friends and family…

Monday Mission - Face Your Giants
We face (and will face) many giants in our lifetime. Health challenges, relationship issues, school difficulties, projects at work, and so much more.