Monday Mission- Practice Being a True Friend
A few weeks ago our Leadership Group held our annual strategic planning retreat. Most of this group has been meeting for over 10 years together. We also meet every Friday morning to hold a time accountability with each other. Because of this...

Monday Mission- Grace
Grace is a gift from our Heavenly Father given through His Son, Jesus Christ. The word grace...

Monday Mission- Rest
Rest. In this season of life, much like when my sons were newborns, rest seems like the impossible. Between juggling my mom-hat, wife-hat, co-worker and employee-hats, and every other role I play to many others, I'm finding myself in a season of unrest.

Monday Mission- Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven
Today, or each day this week, focus on laying up treasures in heaven.

Monday Mission - See God this Week
As summer gives way to fall, it brings with it so many wonderful things to look forward to – colorful foliage, breathtaking sunsets, & pumpkin cactus bread. With all these changes, it is easy to take for granted or overlook the beauty that is seen in creation.

Monday Mission - Encourage Others
Monday Mission – Encourage someone Last week my son, who is in junior high, received an email from one of his teachers. He shared the email with me, and I was so impressed with how the teacher had taken time to share with him a couple good qualities that she saw in him.

Monday Mission - Power of Vulnerability
Vulnerability is often solely associated with relationships. Being vulnerable in a relationship can bring couples closer together, but being vulnerable even when you're not…

Monday Mission - Growing your Gifts
Have you ever stopped and thought about what your God given talents and abilities are? Are you a natural public speaker? Leader? Athlete? Whatever…

Monday Mission- Don't be a Fault Finder
“Some people find fault like there was a reward for it.” Zig Ziglar

Monday Mission
Wow where did the summer go!! Back to school

Monday Mission - Pray for the New Academic Year
By the end of this week, nearly all of the schools in our county will be once again filled with the laughter and voices of children as classes resume for the new school year. This also means that college students have also started making their way to campuses all around the country.

Monday Mission- Be In Nature
As summer nears it's end, get out into nature and appreciate God's creation!