Pizza Ranch Serves

Individual candles lit in a dark room

Monday Mission - Spread the Light

How can you be a light during this time in history? So much violence, pain, suffering, sickness and loss and yet God is at work and he wants us to continue working to spread the light and hope of Christ to those around us.

Memorial Day

Monday - Mission Honor

Today is Memorial Day and each year we go to cemetery's to honor our loved ones, Brothers and Sisters that gave their lives for our freedom and protection❤

Peaceful River on a Sunny Day

Monday Mission - Find Peace

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Peace like a river” or maybe you’re familiar with the song lyrics? I heard these words spoken at work last week and started thinking about the calming effects of a river on a sunny, calm day.

Psalm 91

Monday Mission - Psalm 91

During this season of COVID-19 we as a group have been reading Psalm 91 daily, and about 2 weeks ago a good friend suggested a Bible study on Psalm 91.

Monday Mission - Be A Light

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 I was reminded by a wise woman over the weekend that God is always light. There’s no darkness in God, only light.

Woman praying

Monday Mission - Pray

A quick search in my Bible App for the word “pray” brings up 436 results, wow! This tells me that prayer is important to God, and we know from reading scriptures that Jesus prayed regularly.