Monday Mission - Mary and Martha
Last Sunday we had a message on Luke 10:42 Photo Credit: Unsplash Scott Umstattd

Monday Mission - Grow in Knowledge and Understanding
In today's modern day, information is literally at our finger tips and often arriving on our devices through automatic notifications.

Monday Mission -
For Good Works

Monday Mission - Slow Down
Do you ever feel like all we as a society do is rush from one thing to the next? From one event to the next. From one meal to the next. From one activity to the next. You get my point.

Monday Mission : Trust the Nudge
We have all had that feeling, that feeling where we feel lead to call an old friend, make a kind gesture to a neighbor,…

Monday Mission - Chosen
In a daily devotional reading today we looked at Ephesians 1:3-4 and it says we are chosen by Christ

Monday Mission - Pray with Others
Prayers - ever wonder if you can add power to your prayers? I think the answer is yes!

Monday Mission - Support
The restaurant industry is struggling this year

Monday Mission - Face a Fear
Did you know that the Bible says something about not being fearful 365 times? That’s one reminder for each day of the year that we don’t need to live in fear.

Monday Mission - Read Habakkuk
Do you often "wrestle" with God? Asking him "why do you allow this" or "how could this happen"? If so, I would encourage you…

Monday Mission - Random Acts of Kindness
This picture says it all, we need to show human kindness to all.

Monday Mission - Wake Up Early!
What time do you wake up in the morning? 6:30AM? 7:00AM? 8:00AM? I would challenge you, for the remainder of this week, to get…