Monday Mission- Bible Lettering
April 1st I started the 30 Days of Bible Lettering. As you can see...
Monday Mission - Spring Blessings
Around here, Spring is in full bloom. The birds are chirping their morning melodies, the flowers are bursting open in brilliant colors, and the weather is unpredictable in our neck of the woods. It's not hard to spot evidence of God's handiwork in His creation each time you step outdoors.
Monday Mission- Refresh Others
Refreshing others is a great way to leave a legacy and change the world we live in. It's scientifically proven, AND is a truth found in Scripture.
Monday Mission - Fruitful Faith
On the day following Palm Sunday, a day filled with praise and exaltation, Jesus passes a fig tree on his return to Jerusalem. The tree appeared
Monday Mission - Checkup
Monday Mission – Check your spiritual pulse We all go through physical and spiritual ups and downs throughout our lifetime. Where are you at right now? Take a few minutes to do a quick spiritual check.
Monday Misssion - Discipline
Where do you need more discipline in your life? Is it with doing your devotions? Exercising? Reading instead of watching TV? Whatever it is,…
Monday Mission - Be Thankful
BE THANKFUL! The Lord has blessed us all with so much, He always provides us with what we need (not always what we want). Psalm…
Monday Mission - Hard Work
It's easy to have an idea, but it's another thing to commit time and effort to it.
Monday Mission- Believer or Disciple?
Recently I attended a Christian conference and was challenged to change the way I think about my role as a Christian. The question posed was, "Are you a Believer or a Disciple?"
Monday Mission- Give Thanks
"Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever," -Revelation 4:9
Monday Mission - Aware of His Presence
“Let us become more aware of Your presence.” The lyric above comes from the bridge of the song ‘Holy Spirit’.
Monday Mission - Speak Boldly!
Speak boldly! Look for an opportunity to share the Good News that Christ came for all. Not some, but all.