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blur of busy people in the crosswalk

Monday Mission- Move Faith to the Forefront

As Spring gives way to Summer, our schedules seem to only get even more hectic. Activities with the kids, planning for that much needed vacation, and the honey-do list at home all seem to fill our days and our schedules. Many churches have switched to fewer services due to lower attendance, and our faith seems to get put to the back burner while life moves to the forefront.

Blue spring flowers

Monday Mission - Spring Blessings

Around here, Spring is in full bloom. The birds are chirping their morning melodies, the flowers are bursting open in brilliant colors, and the weather is unpredictable in our neck of the woods. It's not hard to spot evidence of God's handiwork in His creation each time you step outdoors.

Bible with Stethoscope

Monday Mission - Checkup

Monday Mission – Check your spiritual pulse We all go through physical and spiritual ups and downs throughout our lifetime. Where are you at right now? Take a few minutes to do a quick spiritual check.

Monday Misssion - Discipline

Where do you need more discipline in your life? Is it with doing your devotions? Exercising? Reading instead of watching TV? Whatever it is,…