Pizza Ranch Serves

Flat lay of cards, pens, and small vase of peach colored flowers

Monday Mission - J-O-Y

When I was growing up I learned a song in Sunday School that's stuck with me all my life. It's set to the tune of Jingle Bells:

Monday Mission - Servant Leadership

Last week I was reading in John 13 about how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet before they sat down to celebrate Passover together the night before Jesus was crucified. Given, the disciples had no idea what was to unfold over the next 24 or even 72 hours. What they did know, however, was that the act of washing someone’s feet was the work of a servant, not a Savior.

Monday Mission - Compassion Like Jesus

I’m working through a reading plan where you read the New Testament in a year and right now I’m reading through the Gospels. One thing that has jumped off the pages to me lately is how many times you see the phrase “Jesus had compassion” for the people around him.

Yoga mats stored on a shelf

Monday Mission - Healthy Habits

If I told you I was struggling with healthy habits, what would you think I'm struggling with? Automatically most people would assume I'm referencing illegal substances, poor dietary choices, or maybe lack of exercise. In reality, I'm struggling with keeping healthy spiritual habits. Praying with intentionality and meaning, deep conversations with God, daily Bible reading time, and devotions. What about you, how's your spiritual health right now?