Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Judges
When we think of Judges, we think of people dressed in black robes sitting in a courtroom. In the Book of Judges however, we need to think of them more as heroes, warriors, military leaders, or champions, even saviors. So, it’s a Book about Biblical heroes; 12 men and women who helped rescue Israel from its oppressors. Heroes like Gideon, Samson and Deborah. These judges were not perfect at it, but when they submitted to what God wanted they did amazing, God glorifying things.

Thursday Thought- The Romans Road
Have you traveled the Romans Road to Salvation?

Wednesday Story of Impact- Arkansas City, KS
Arkansas City, KS Pizza Ranch puts spotlight on graduates

Tuesday Truth- The Power of Faith in the works of Jesus Christ
How does one go from point A (life) to point B (heaven)?

Monday Mission- Live By Faith
Romans 3:21 - 4:25 "The righteous shall live by faith"

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Joshua
The Book of Joshua is about a great leader, a man named Joshua. He was originally introduced as one of the spies who went in to look at the Promised Land. He, along with Caleb, were the ones that were confident they could go in and defeat the people of the land. They had faith. If you remember right however, the rest of the spies and people were scared and showed no faith. As a result,

Thursday Thoughts - Cheerful Giving? Now?
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Serving those that Serve
The Crystal Pizza Ranch and Andover Pizza Ranch recently teamed up with HOM Furniture to provide 250 Chicken Dinners to the Minneapolis Police Department.…

Tuesday Truth - He Goes Before Us
We are all familiar with the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho - but do you remember how they got there? We…

Monday Mission - Be A Light
You don't have to be a front-line worker or a person in a leadership role to make a difference in today's world. God has…

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Deuteronomy
The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and final book of what’s called “The Law of Moses”, also known as the “Torah” or “Pentateuch.” The Book is called Deuteronomy because it means “Second law giving.” God was so fed up with the people of Israel’s lack of faith, that by the time they got to the Promised Land He turned them around and put them out in the wilderness for 40 years. No one who left Egypt would be able to see the Promised Land because of it (except for the 2 trusting spies, Joshua and Caleb). So now, the people are finally back and ready to possess the land. But before they do...

Thursday Thought - National Day of Prayer - TODAY!
Join our great county in one of our greatest hours of need by praying. Today all across the United States, Americans will participate in this, our country’s National Day of Prayer. In past years I’ve appreciated this day, and the reminder that it brought of the importance of prayer. But this year feels different, because it is different.