Wednesday - Story of Impact - Hold on to Faith
Hold on to Faith – big thanks to Brandon and his Pizza Ranch teams that have shared and spread this message to many people. We’re so thankful to have frontline workers, in our hospitals and other care centers, caring for those that are sick during this pandemic.

Tuesday Truth - Jesus Paid it All
Tuesday Truth – Jesus Paid it All Easter is a few weeks behind us now, and life still feels quite different than it did just…

Monday Mission - Find Peace
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Peace like a river” or maybe you’re familiar with the song lyrics? I heard these words spoken at work last week and started thinking about the calming effects of a river on a sunny, calm day.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Numbers: The Bronze Snake
Do you trust God? The Old Testament Book of Numbers has a lot to do with trust. It tells the story of how the Israelites prepared to enter the Promised Land, how they counted their “numbers” with a census, how they sinned and were held accountable, and then how they prepared to enter the Promised Land again. Because they didn’t trust God, they ended up wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. During this time, we see a continuous pattern of grumbling, defiance, discipline, and death. How much better would it have been to have trusted God? I believe that the same is true today.

Thursday Thoughts - On Eagles Wings
Psalm 91 (On Eagles' Wings)Shane & Shane You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord Who abide in his shadow for life Say to the Lord, "my refuge my Rock in Whom I trust"

Stories of Impact
Everyday we hear great stories of how are restaurants are impacting their communities and this is one of them:

Tuesday Truths
This is another great scripture during this season we are in:

Monday Mission - Psalm 91
During this season of COVID-19 we as a group have been reading Psalm 91 daily, and about 2 weeks ago a good friend suggested a Bible study on Psalm 91.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in Leviticus, The Scapegoat
Blaming others seems to be a norm today. You’ve heard of pointing the finger or passing the buck? What about the idea of a scapegoat? Today we’ll hear where the term “Scapegoat” came from. Many people don’t read the Old Testament Books because of the belief that it’s all about Jesus found in the New Testament. Today we’re looking in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus because Jesus IS found there.

Thursday Thoughts - "Even If"
"I know the sorrow, I know the hurt Would all go away if You'd just say the word But even if You don't My hope is You alone"

Stories of Impact - Waverly, Iowa
Even during this time of COVID-19 we still get amazing stories of Service from the Heart and this is just one of them.

Tuesday Truth - Break My Heart
"With our access to the internet, heart breaking stories fill our news feeds and timelines each and every day. How many times have we seen someone’s struggles on display and felt bad or guilty but then scrolled by to cleanse our minds with something more positive?"