Monday Mission - What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
"It is pretty amazing how the prayers of King David in Psalm 25 can still be used for present day events."

Friday Devotional - Jesus in Exodus
I often wondered as I grew up why the Old Testament was so important. I thought that the New Testament was something to focus on because of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. All that He began, the Christian life, and eternal life. But I’ve grown to appreciate and see how important Old Testament Scripture actually is. It comes down to this: The entirety of the Old Testament continually points to Jesus in the New Testament.

Thursday Thought - Significant Tasks
Reading the Old Testament probably isn’t at the top of most people’s reading lists, unless they need help falling asleep. Some people at the Support Center are doing a reading plan to read through the whole Bible in one year. Last week, the following verse in Numbers struck me:

Wednesday Story of Impact - Pizza Ranch is Family
Two weeks ago, tornadoes ripped through several Midwest states, including the eastern part of Iowa. One team member at the Oelwein Pizza Ranch was…

Tuesday Truth - Goodness of the Lord
“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 It’s easy to feel overwhelmed right now; I know I do. It’s easy for me to allow Satan to get a foot-hold in my heart and feel the waves of worry, anxiety and fear that Satan loves to spread among those who follow Jesus.

Monday Mission - Be A Light
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 I was reminded by a wise woman over the weekend that God is always light. There’s no darkness in God, only light.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in Genesis
I often wondered as I grew up why the Old Testament was so important. I thought that the New Testament was something to focus…

Thursday Thoughts - Our Steps
It wasn't more than a few months ago that I helped my 1 year old learn to walk. Every night I would take both…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Paying it Forward
During this crisis you hear story after story of how small groups of people are banding together to help their greater community. Pizza Ranch…

Tuesday Truth - H.O.P.E.
I went for a run the other night to clear my head and as I approached a local park I noticed nearly every other…

Monday Mission - Smile, it's Infectious
Anyone else sick of the phrases "social distancing", "stay-at-home" and "contagious"?! You know what else in "contagious"? Smiles! As you pass folks on the…

Friday Devotional - Why Worship During This Pandemic?
What is worship? Worship is bowing before God, putting Him first. Romans 12:1 describes it as a “sacrifice of self.” That we humbly give ourselves up for His Lordship, proclaiming that He is worthy and in control of it all.