Monday Mission - Remember to Celebrate
It's my dad's birthday today. What a great reason to celebrate! Bring on the cake, maybe some candles and gifts. Did you know that the Bible mentions celebrating? In biblical times people celebrated feasts, the Passover, victory in a battle just to name a few.

Friday Devotional
He Giveth More Grace Annie J. Flint copyright status is Public Domain He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength when the labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace. When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources Our Father’s full giving is only begun. Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision, Our God ever yearns His resources to share; Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing; The Father both thee and thy load will upbear. His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Thursday Thought - Asking for Wisdom
Do you ever pray and not fully expect God to answer or grant you what you’re asking for? I know that God can do all things, I know that the Bible says that God has good gifts and plans for His children, I know that the very nature of God is abundant love. Sometimes, however, I have a harder time believing with my whole heart that those things are completely true.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Prayer at Pizza Ranch
Every Tuesday morning at 8:04 AM a small group of individuals from the Support Center gather to offer up prayer requests to God.

Tuesday Truth – Blessing in the Pruning
I’m not a great gardener; I usually kill plants much easier than manage to keep them alive. My track record with all things green is not good. However, my nieces are great at growing green things and also suggesting green things that will be easy enough for even me to keep alive. Bless them and their green thumbs.

Monday Mission – Labor Day & The Gift of Work
Happy Labor Day friend! We have reached the unofficial end of summer, which means we all need to pack away our white pants until Memorial Day rolls around again.

Friday Devotional - Hospitality
Unreasonable Hospitality – Will Guidara at Global Leader Ship *It’s all about how you make people feel *1 size fits 1 *Hospitality can be inspired. The team gets addicted to the reaction of others.

Thursday Thoughts - Defend Our Faith
Nehemiah was called to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem and the Temple. This was not an easy task and there were many opposing forces trying to stop this from happening.

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Storm Lake Miracle
Today’s Story of Impact features an amazing testimony of God’s work in a young man’s life from Storm Lake, IA.

Tuesday Truths - Stained Glass
I recently heard an interesting correlation of how our souls are like stained glass. We are broken shards of glass, from all the hurts and pains brought on by this sinful world. Healing is achieved by union with Jesus.

Monday Mission - Don't Look Back
Current events seem to becoming more and more unstable. It feels as though there is so much division between people and only negative stories everywhere you turn. On the positive side, this is just a sign of the end times and that Jesus’ return is imminent. This should prompt us to stay on guard during these times.

Friday Devotional – Not Against Flesh and Blood
In the last number of months, I’ve had many discussions about the craziness of this world. About how we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the presence of spiritual darkness in this world. It seems to me to be more and more evident and blatant. The things that are happening now can only be explained that way. The enemy doesn’t even have