Wednesday Stories of Impact - West Point, NE
Congratulations Karen on leading your team to an awesome July and we celebrate with Karen receiving her Gold Star and Pizza Ranch Mug! Great job by the entire Pizza Ranch West Point, NE team on Legendary Service!

Tuesday Truths
Isaiah 6:3 Reminds that our Lord Almighty deserves our praises!

Monday Mission - Parenting
I noticed this Parenting Creed and thought it was worth sharing and challenging us...

Friday Devotion - You are what you eat
We have all heard the phrase 'you are what you eat'. This also applies to 'you are what you consume'.

Thursday Video- A Back to School Prayer
In keeping with our Back to School focus this week, I was encouraged to find this video published by Freebridge Media.

Wednesday Stories of Impact- Sioux Center, IA
The community of Sioux Center is like one giant family. When they have a member struggling, they all rally together and support that member. This was evident on August 13, 2018 when the Sioux Center community gathered at the local Pizza Ranch for a Community Impact Night to show their support for Roger and Diane Koele as Roger begins his battle against ALS.

Tuesday Truths- 1 Corinthians 15:58
1 Corinthians 15:58, The Message

Monday Mission- Back to School Prayers
We have school on our minds as we gather supplies and pack backpacks in preparation for the first day of a new year approaching for my kids. There’s a mix of nerves and excitement as the “big day” draws closer. Maybe you’re feeling some of these same things?

Friday Devotional- Submit
Every so often we come across something in life that gets us thinking deeper. This past week I had this happen to me. I heard a verse that I've read and heard about thousands of times, but for whatever reason it stuck with me. It made me want to look it up to see if I could understand it better.

Thursday Video- A Walk Down Memory Lane
Around a year ago I found an old box of cassette tapes. It took me time to find a cassette player that worked, but when I did I first listened to some of my old 1980's music like The Out field, Bon Jovi, Cinderella, etc. And then a couple of weeks ago, I came across some tapes from Promise Keepers events from the 1990s. Wow!

Wednesday Story of Impact- Manhattan, KS
Donald from Pizza Ranch Manhattan took the time to help a senior guest cut chicken off the bone. She talked to the General Manager and told him how ...

Tuesday Truths- Memorizing Scripture
Do you memorize scripture? I have found out that memorizing scripture helps me get through the challenges of facing sin every day. Proverbs 3 verses...