Tuesday Truths - God May Be Praised
7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. 8 Above all, love…

Monday Mission - Nothing Can Separate
In seasons of hardship and trials, it might feel like God is far away at times. However, that is not the case. Scripture assures…

Friday Devotional – May He be Glorified!
May the LORD answer you when you call. May the God of Jacob protect you. May He send you help from His Holy Place.…

Thursday Thought - Grains of Sand
Most of us have probably heard the famous Bible verse from the Psalm that says, "How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Bethesda Christian Counseling
Pizza Ranch is proud to be partnered with Bethesda Christian Counseling Midwest, Inc. Bethesda is a Christian Counseling service helping clients in the context…

Tuesday Truths - YOU Matter!
We take so much time trying to please others. We do what we can to care for those around us, or at least try.…

Monday Mission - Comfort Zone
It’s so easy to go about our daily lives surrounding ourselves with those that we feel most comfortable with. We surround ourselves with people…

Friday Devotional - Seeing the Bigger Picture
I’m a details person, I like to break down things into step by step instructions; create a bullet point list of things that need…

Thursday Thought - Seek the Things that are Above
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Wildwood Hills and Tulip Festival
Every year there are Tulip Festivals held in cities across America and the world. The idea of Tulip Time as a festival started in…

Tuesday Truth - I am who God says I am
I became a Christian when I was in my late teens. It was a transformational experience, and one that changed the course of my…

Monday Mission - See God work in mighty ways
At a Bible study recently, a person was sharing from a message they heard - the point that stood out to him was that…