Monday Mission - Ask. . .Seek. . .Knock. . .
Matthew 7:8 NIV For everyone who asks receives: the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. I love…

Friday Devotional - Prayer & Tetris
Last weekend I had the opportunity to babysit an almost 3-year-old, and we spent much of the evening playing his manual Tetris board. My…

Friday Devotional - Prayer & Tetris
Last weekend I had the opportunity to babysit an almost 3-year-old, and we spent much of the evening playing his manual Tetris board. My…

Friday Devotional - Prayer & Tetris
Last weekend I had the opportunity to babysit an almost 3-year-old, and we spent much of the evening playing his manual Tetris board. My…

Friday Devotional - Prayer & Tetris
Last weekend I had the opportunity to babysit an almost 3-year-old, and we spent much of the evening playing his manual Tetris board. My…

Friday Devotional - Prayer & Tetris
Last weekend I had the opportunity to babysit an almost 3-year-old, and we spent much of the evening playing his manual Tetris board. My…

Friday Devotional - Nothing Can Seperate
In seasons of hardship and trials, it might feel like God is far away at times. However, that is not the case! Scripture assures us that even in difficult times, nothing can separate us from God’s love. Today we are going to dive deep into a section of scripture that reminds us how great God’s love is for us!

Thursday Thought - Never Lacking
“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” –Hudson Taylor

Wednesday Story of Impact – RiseFest 2024
Pizza Ranch is a proud sponsor of this event that helps encourage, strengthen, and uplift believers from all across the Midwest!

Tuesday Truth - Not in Vain
Do you ever have days where you struggle with finding a reason to keep moving forward? Your inbox is full of unread messages, the laundry hampers are overflowing, and the yard still needs to be mowed, but it all seems so trivial.

Monday Mission – Set Your Heading
Pilots have a rule called the “1 in 60 rule”. For every 1 degree you are off course, you will end up 1 mile further away from your destination for every 60 miles you travel. While one degree and one mile might not seem that much at first, the longer you travel at the wrong trajectory, the further off-course you get. The same is true in our faith.

Friday Devotional – Growing in Faith
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week (Psalm 60) talks about 10 things God has done, 5 things David is requesting, and 10 different things God has spoken. But what stood out to me is how the passage conveys