Monday Mission : Blinders
Who do you surround yourself with? Do you live with your own set of blinders on, perhaps unaware of the way you are going…

Friday Devotional - Kýrie eléison
I want to share a story I recently came across in the Gospel of Matthew. It’s a story I’m sure I’ve read before, but…

Thursday Thoughts - Note to God
When I saw this quote I thought

Stories of Impact - Pizza with Police
The Sioux Falls Police Department posted this on their Facebook page, , and we are so thankful for their service and thank the Sioux Falls 41st Street Pizza Ranch for working in conjunction with the department for their outreach event.

Tuesday Truths - Excitement in reading
May we all be this excited to read the Bible!

Monday Mission - Weakness
Admitting weaknesses is a challenging thing to do in today’s culture.

Friday Devotional - Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25:14-30 (Similar story found in Luke 19:11-27)

Thursday Thought - How do you appeal to others?
When you want to get somebody to respond positively to your request or appeal, how do you communicate with them? By demanding they agree…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Pizza Ranch Casselton, ND
We want to highlight the efforts of Jaci and the Casselton, ND Pizza Ranch to make a positive impact in their community recently. On Christmas…

Tuesday Truth - Most frequently used words in the Bible
What are the most frequently used words in the Bible?

Monday Mission - Start Small
We are almost through the first month of the 2024 calendar. Many people set goals for the year, or decided on January 1st they…

Dressing for Battle
Being in the heart of the Midwest (& surviving last week) none of us are strangers to extremely cold temperatures. Last week I watched as my husband bundled up in countless layers of clothing to take our dog on a 40-minute walk. It got me thinking about how diligent we are in dressing to protect against extreme weather, but do we have the same diligence in our spiritual health & climate?