Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission: Share your Favorite Verse

Devotion today provided by: Jenna Finkenhoefer. I was in church a few weeks ago, and during the service, someone mentioned their favorite verse from the Bible. After I left church, I started to think about this statement, and as someone who routinely writes down and saves quotes, I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t have one!

Friday Devotional - Jesus Redeems

I love to read, but my favorite genre is World War II – memoirs, historical fiction, all of it. Female spies, concentration camps, Russian female snipers, British code breakers, German mid-wives, Auschwitz tattooists, etc.

Tuesday Truth - Strong Fortress

Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe. As I was thinking about God’s truths as I sat down to write today’s post, this verse jumped to my mind.

Monday Mission - Living Water

We’re in the middle of summer right now in Iowa and even though we saw some cooler temperatures last week, we know the Midwest well enough to see the hot July heat coming back soon.

Psalm 45 Truth

Friday Devotional – Psalm 45

Growing up, I had parents that taught me where to find truth in my life. They guided me on what to hold as important and who to listen to. How about you? Who and what has influenced your life the most?