Wednesday Story of Impact - Abbie's Room
How the Pizza Ranch ownership group in Cottage Grove, MN is making an impact

Tuesday Truth - Decapolis
What is the place called "Decapolis" in the Bible?

Monday Mission - Store up treasures in heaven
Matthew 6:19-21

Friday Devotional – Riches
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 49). The Psalms do such a great job of talking about the topics and emotions we most often deal with in life.

Thursday Thoughts - What are you looking at?
This past weekend I went for a bike ride and stopped by this bridge/creek for a break. I hadn't biked in a couple months, and was looking forward to getting to this point and stopping. There's always something calming about the scenery and the quiet noise of the flowing water. However, as I approached the bridge something else caught my eye.

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Hull Pizza Ranch Partners with Local Police Officer and Schools
The Hull Pizza Ranch recently launched a new program with the local police department and the Boyden-Hull Community School. The program is called "Busted."

Tuesday Truth - Have an Attitude of Christ
As Christians one of our goals is to role model the way Christ lived. But how exactly do we do that?

Monday Mission - Hold On
What are you facing today? This week? This year? God knows the path you're on and wants you to hold on to him. Whether your trials are a challenge for today or a crisis lasting several weeks or years, hold on to the one that created you and loves you.

Friday Devotional-Think About Such Things. . .
Take a minute to jot down on a piece of paper all the things that come to you when you stop to think about what you think about. . . As you look at your list, how many of these items have you prayed about or taken to God? How many of these thoughts are worth thinking about altogether? What strategies do you use to center your thoughts? In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "You are what you think all day long!"

Thursday Thoughts - Progress Requires Disruption
In the Book of Habakkuk we see an interesting dialogue between Habakkuk and God: It starts out in Chapter 1 with: How long, Lord, must…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Prayer at Pizza Ranch
Every Tuesday morning at 8:04 AM a small group of individuals from the Support Center gather to offer up prayer requests to God.

Tuesday Truth - God’s Faithful to His Promises
Sometimes I’m late. And sometimes I promise something and I forget to do it by when I said I’d have it done by. Case in point? The picture of the two stuffed puppies to the left.