Pizza Ranch Serves

Great Questions

Friday Devotional – Great Questions

We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms. This week we’re looking at a chapter that starts off declaring that everything on earth belongs to the Lord. The chapter ends with praise and glory given

Monday Mission - Do not love the world

Do Not Love the World 1 John 2:15-17 This is one of the most difficult instructions that a Christian might have. It is so hard to…

Symbol for "God is Greater than the Highs and Lows"

Thursday Thought - God is Greater

For the longest time I didn't know what the image meant. I saw it around, but never really asked anyone. If you're in the dark like I was, here is what it means. "God is Greater than the Highs and Lows."

2 girls helping with Lifewise Open House in Boyden, IA

Stories of Impact - Lifewise Academy Launches in Iowa Community

Lifewise is one of the organizations that Pizza Ranch partners with, and we're excited to have our first Lifewise Academy program launch in Iowa this past Friday. The Lifewise Academy program allows for elementary students attending public schools to be released once a week for religious instruction time. Who knew such an amazing opportunity was even legal? But it is!

Mustard Seeds

Monday Mission - Pray Boldly

How big is your faith? Is it big enough to pray bold prayers? Is it big enough to brave the trials of life? Is it big enough to accomplish what God has called you to do?

Sheep grazing in a green pasture

Friday Devotional – The Shepherd's Blessing

Psalm 23 is a very familiar passage to many. Although it doesn’t actually talk about sheep, the chapter paints a beautiful picture of a shepherd taking care of his flock. Sheep are animals that are completely ...