Pizza Ranch Serves

Reading the Bible daily

Monday Mission - God, Lead Me

Recently I was reminded from a daily devotion when I am anxious or lost to go to God. Here is a verse that helped me in my anxiousness: Psalms 139:23-24

Tuesday Truth - Jesus was sent by God

There are at least 24 verses in the Bible where Jesus Himself says that He was sent to earth by God, including the verses…

Large circled question mark drawn on a piece of white paper with a black colored pencil and a white eraser lying on the left side

Friday Devotional-5 Key Thoughts to Bring Comfort to the Question. . . Why am I here?

For some the question, Why am I here?, may bring about discomfort and uncertainty. Whereas, for others the question may bring about great comfort and certainty. For most of us, this question may leave us feeling somewhere more in the middle. Wherever you are on the spectrum of knowing why you are here, my hope is that you can find some additional confidence and direction from the verses and insights that were laid upon my heart to share today.

Dinner place setting with Thankful tag

Thursday Thought - Preparing for Thanksgiving

Content provided by guest writer, Jenna Finkenhoefer. As someone who loves to cook, (and especially loves to eat!), AND is a recovering perfectionist, I usually spend free time leading up to Thanksgiving researching new recipes, thinking of creative ways to set the table...

Abbie with her Grandparents outside of Abbie's Room

Wednesday Story of Impact - Sensory Room at Oak Park Heights Pizza Ranch

Message from Ernie Swanson Jr. ~ Our daughter Abbie was diagnosed with Autism at the age of two. We know first hand how difficult it is to go out as a family. People with Autism can have many different sensory issues. Bright lights, loud music, large crowds can cause them to have melt downs. Some are even prone to wander and have loud outbursts. This causes families to basically isolate themselves. We know many families that have never been able to take their child out to a restaurant...