Wednesday -Community Impact
On June 10-11, our ministry partner Rise Ministries held their annual Christian Musical Festival called Rise Fest in Sheldon, Iowa. The two-day festival featured music, speakers, seminars, games, and other activities for people of all ages to share the gospel.

Tuesday Truth - God will Provide
We looked at Genesis 22:1-19 yesterday. The verse that stood out to me was verse 8, when Isaac asked his father, "But where is…

Monday Mission - Abraham and Isaac
Last Sunday we read through Genesis 22 verse 1-19. It’s a story of when Abraham took his son to the mountain where God told him to go and sacrifice his son Isaac.

Friday Devotional - Blessings. . .
Recently I attended the Pizza Ranch National Conference and my goal was to serve and be a blessing to those who were with me (my family) and to those who were in attendance (my fellow team members and our franchise community). To be completely honest, I had not specifically planned anything in particular, but I was praying and asking for God to show me His will in doing so. It was truly amazing how God flipped the script once I gave Him the reigns and allowed Him to lead.

Wednesday Story of Impact- Harlan, IA
The Harlan, IA Pizza Ranch hosted a great group at their restaurant on May 16 this year, the Civil Air Patrol Southwest Iowa Composite Squadron, for a Community Impact event. Their Cadets helped in the restaurant ...

Tuesday Truths - 2 Corinthians 1:3
Praise to the God of All Comfort Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Monday Mission - Sad Days and Bad Days
Sometimes we don't have the right words to express ourselves adequately when we or someone else is having a bad, sad, mad, day. I want to tell you that it's ok! We don't always have to express ourselves with words. Prayer has the power to overcome our inadequacies so God can be present and at work in us and through us.

Friday Devotional - Thankful Heart - Perry Krosschell
We just finished our Pizza Ranch National Conference this week. Wow, what a blessing. Seeing, fellowshipping, worshiping and learning together was so, so good. It always reminds me of being at a family reunion. And

Thursday Thoughts - Make Your Blessings Count
I have always appreciated and tried to abide by the phrase, "count your blessings"! Recently I came across the following quote that helped challenge…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Conference 2022 Service Event
For the 2022 National Conference, Pizza Ranch partnered with Kids Against Hunger to pack and send meals over seas to help support the people of Ukraine. With the help of Pizza Ranch staff and families we assembled 40,000 meals to feed 240,000 people in Ukraine💙

Tuesday Truth - Proverbs 11:25 from the Message
Proverbs 11:25 from the Message is one of my favorite versions of this verse.

Monday Mission - Bless Others
The Pizza Ranch National Conference is this week, and as I was doing my preparation for the various things that I will be involved with, God's still small voice spoke to me and encouraged me to "be a blessing this week"!