Thursday Thoughts - Glasses Smudges
If you're a fellow glasses-wearer like myself, you'll know how frequently you have to wipe your lenses clean. I keep those little clothes all over the place, in my desk, my car, my purse, my medicine cabinet, etc. It's funny how a spec of dust...

Wednesday Story of Impact - Fond du Lac, WI Pizza Ranch
Last week (April 10-16) was National Telecommunicators Week. The Fond du Lac Pizza Ranch decided to celebrate the week by providing their local 911 Dispatch Center an appreciation meal to show their support for all the Dispatchers do for their community.

Tuesday Truth - God Glasses
What did you think of yesterday's challenge? Is there something you need to remind yourself of frequently? Don't put yourself down for needing the reminder, but let the Holy Spirit use it to draw your deeper into your relationship with God.

Monday Mission - A New Reminder
In our technology-minded world we all have numerous accounts and passwords to keep track of. Have you ever considered using a password as a reminder for yourself?

Friday Devotional- Fruits of the Spirit
The world tells us to indulge ourselves in whatever we want. Whatever makes us happy. To live for self. To say whatever we want…even if it’s hurtful. And we better not stand for anything in the Bible because it will offend folks. And if we do, we could be considered a terrible person. The problem for Christians is that the Bible says something very different. From front to back it’s very clear. We are to: 1) serve and love God and others, and 2) walk by the Holy Spirit.

Thursday Thoughts--See the Good
Are you seeing the good in each situation. . .?

Wednesday Stories of Impact--Magical Moment
Super cool story of impact provided by the Tea Pizza Ranch Team!

Tuesday Truth--Galatians 5:22-23 NIV
Staying with the theme of positivity this week, I wanted to share a few verses from Galatians that I find encouraging!

Monday Mission--Stay Positive
Recently I've been struggling to stay positive due to multiple experiences of negativity going on in my work, life, and the world. If you are like me, sometimes it's helpful to be challenged by lists of alternatives to giving into a negative mindset. So I compiled a list of tips that I hope you will find helpful to combat negativity. It is my hope that you can adopt one or more of these tips to help you stay positive this week and become your Monday Mission!

Friday Devotional - Christ as your High Priest
In the Old Testiment the Isrealite nation observed the Day of Atonement. Let's take a look at what that entailed and how it has changed for followers of Christ today.

Thursday Thoughts: Consider it Pure Joy
It can be easy to feel joyful when life is easy. But what about when life is difficult? How can I be joyful in suffering?

Wednesday Story of Impact - Colorado Scouts helping Scouts in Ukraine
On Wednesday March 30, local boy scouts from five different groups partnered with the Pueblo Pizza Ranch to host a Community Impact Night to help raise funds for Boy Scouts overseas in Ukraine.