Tuesday Truth - You can become a Christian in an instant
How quickly can a person's life change towards Christ?

Monday Mission - Finish Strong
This time of year is full of school graduations in the United States. Whether it's high school, college, extra credit, or some type of…

Friday Devotional - Sacrifice
When we think of sacrifice we often think of giving up some time for something, maybe a certain kind of food, or some money. We also think of the lives sacrificed in the military. The origin of the word is much deeper than we tend to

Thursday Thought - We're Created to Work
I read a book recently and was inspired by the message of how God created man and woman to work. Our modern day culture has us looking forward to the weekend or our next vacation or eventually retirement. But what if we're actually called to find joy in the work that we do each day?

Wednesday Story of Impact - Make-A-Wish in Sterling, IL
The Sterling, IL Pizza Ranch had the opportunity to be part of a Make-A-Wish for a young boy named Matthew. Matthew has leukemia and was granted a Make-A-Wish day.

Tuesday Truth - God Guides and Protects
The word "Lighthouse" is mentioned zero times in the Bible but I would imagine that if lighthouses were functioning in Jesus time he would have a fun metaphor or story about them. The purpose of the lighthouse is simple.

Monday Mission - Rejoice Always!
What words would you use to describe life right now? As I scroll through my emails here are a few that jump out to me: unprecedented, crazy, rising costs, supply issues, where is spring, Russian/Ukraine war. All of this can take a toll on our mental well-being and make me wonder what is really going on...

Friday Devotional – Abundantly More
I remember I received something special from my grandpa, if you’ve been in my office you’ve seen them. I have on display of trinkets on my bookshelves. Probably a third of what I actually have ownership of (I displayed

Thursday Thought - Nothing, Not Ever
The other day we touched on the idea that sometimes God is quiet in different seasons of life. I have a friend who has walked a season with God recently where there was great uncertainty.

Wednesday Story of Impact - The Next Generation
Even before labor was a widespread issue, we know that our Pizza Ranches were always on the look-out for some new young people to…

Tuesday Truth - Live in the House of the Lord
Sometimes a word of encouragement means the world to someone. I was thinking about what it means to be with God while still on Earth (not in heaven) and the verse about dwelling in the house of the Lord came to mind.

Monday Mission – Faithful Follow-Through
A sentiment that has been on my heart for a few days is that God is a good and faithful God. We see this again and again in Scripture; in the Old Testament, God continues to pull the Israelites out of the muck even when they repeatedly disobey God.