Friday Devotional - A Thankful Heart
I’ve heard many people in the course of my life ask me “How do I get closer to God?” or, “How can I get my prayer life better?” In a devotional I read recently, I was reminded of the answer to these questions. I believe that the fastest way to get closer to God, and have a better prayer life, is by having a thankful heart. To be thanking God throughout the day.

Thursday Thoughts - Decisions & God's Good Works
Do you ever get stuck when trying to make a decision? Many of us grew up during the “WWJD” bracelet movement – What Would…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Service From the Heart
At Pizza Ranch, we have 6 Key Business Drivers and we hold all of them with equal importance. That said, we celebrate when our restaurants do any one of these extraordinarily well. About a month ago, the Wichita, KS Pizza Ranch really did an amazing job of executing the KBD “Service From the Heart.”

Tuesday Truth - God's Timing is Perfect
Isaiah 55: 8-9 ““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than…

Monday Mission - Trust God's Timing
I come from a family who runs late. You could pretty much plan on us being 10 (ish) minutes late to just about anything (and cutting it dangerously close to church). I married into a family who runs early. Similarly, they run about 10 minutes early (give or take).

Friday Devotional - Blessings
Listening to a sermon a few days ago. He was talking about bad things that happen and how for those who trust in Jesus, they can have hope. He talked about a man in their church (a family fried on mine) who was diagnosed with Stage 4B Cancer last year, and how he’s turned that death sentence into life. So, maybe that’s the point of today -> that even in the face of hardship, we should look to the giver of life and focus on that.

Thursday Thought : Finish the Race
Love the words found in Acts 20:24 : "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the…

Wednesday - Stories of Impact
Recently the Independences, MO and Kansas City, MO Pizza Ranches held a Community Impact night to support the effort of the City Union Mission…

Tuesday Truth : The Noise Won't Last
Can't tell you how often I'm sitting down at night, relaxing, scrolling social media and come across a Tweet, Post or Thread regarding some…

Monday Mission : Appreciation Language
Let's be honest; we all like to be valued and know we belong. Do you know how you most like to be shown appreciation?…

Friday Devotional- Saint vs. Sinner
Last week I brought up this idea of seeing ourselves as “saints” instead of “sinners.” It’s brought up a lot of discussion here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center, so I’d like to revisit this again. So often we talk of ourselves as “sinners saved by grace” and this is of course true, but sometimes that simply gives us the “okay” to sin. There is so much more to it:

Thursday Thought - Is this the best Bible reference for the human condition?
We know we are sinners. We know we can live without sin. We persecute ourselves when we do sin. What can we do???